If some snooty eff wads want to be pricks, le

If some snooty eff wads want to be pricks, let them. You know how hard it is, you know there are more people needing help than anyone could comprehend. We have to be strong, if not for ourselves and our families, than for those who have no one to be strong for them.

The BMW Concept 8 Series is a highly assured product, it looks already as if it owns the roads it will drive on. “You have to be confident in design,” says Starke, “but that sureness comes from hard work and constant observation. It is very difficult to separate the job from the life.” In her life, as one of the increasing number of womenwho fashion the look and feel of BMW cars, she is looking at our lives: specifically urban, increasingly mobile. The paramount design input is from people, whether customers or not. The mission is to understand how we live, how we will live, what our needs are.

We went through a million options, but basically I have a negative equity of $15000 that would have to be rolled into a new lease, making my payment on even a base model BMW higher than what I am paying now and for a 36mo term instead of my remaining 15mo lease. We looked at doing a buy back of my car instead of a lease trade in, but it was originally so overvalued in our deal that I am still negative the 15000. I listed it on lease trader but doubt that anyone will be interested in this car for that monthly price. They also mentioned financing my car to purchase, but three days after I got the car I was hit and it effected the alignment of the car so I am not interested in this option. We went to another BMW dealer different than the one that originally did the deal and they were shocked at what they had done to us. The only option seems to be for me to keep my car for a few more months and hope that BMW offers a pull ahead program again where they pay 3 4 of the remaining payments to get you into a new car. My boyfriend ended up leasing a new 530e and we plan on using his rebates for the electric car to pay down some of my car, but I would obviously ideally like to find a different way out of this.

It virtually impossible due to the electric drivetrain to make an EV version of an ICE model and make the car desirable for the old reasons. The lineup has to be created again and would have to appeal at each price point for new reasons. Acceleration vs top speed, energy efficiency versus track performance, charge speed versus refueling, they can be electric versions of the gas cars. The cars need to appeal to EV people and they will appreciate the longer range for a less luxurious interior. To them the technology is the new luxury, not the wood trims, leather and many buttons. The drivetrain also allows more interior space for a given wheel base that usually determines segments of the market. The rules are different.

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I have an iPhone, so does 23726193938 other people. I have a designer bracelet I received for my 18th birthday, my purse is coach but I got it at an outlet mall 4 years ago (it’s still my every day purse) I’m on GA!! I’m broke I almost got my water shut off. I hate it that people don’t know your story and automatically judge

I’ve never played Artifact, but just that simple animation pacing was done poorly in Eternal, Gwent, Shadowverse, and Elder Scrolls: Legends. I tried getting into those but those differences just make it harder for a new player to understand what their opponent is doing, and therefore understand the game. You can dig up play history but it’s just not as approachable, and that doesn’t work on twitch. And indeed, while watching Artifact, cards would fly around during the game quickly and I would have no clue what they were.

After five or ten minutes of gently trying to persuade this piece of crap on wheels to navigate the icy road I give up. I reverse it into a passable imitation of a deliberate piece of parking it’s off to the side of the road, no longer blocking it and there is no hope of driving it anywhere or putting it back on her drive.

You will also need to specify the actice cell phone number for use with your account. Only one active phone number per account is allowed per subscription fee. You can have more than one active phone number linked to your account but you have to pay an additional subscription fee for each additional active phone number. If your phone number changes, you can add your new phone number, deactivate the old number, then activate the new number and you will not be charged the additional subscription fee.

The History of My 2005 BMW 325lI was frugal and bought it used just about two years ago. It’s a 2005 325I. Although I’ve discovered how ridiculously different people react or treat you when you drive up in even the most basic BMW, I wanted it simply because I thought the Germans made a superior vehicle more value for the buck.

I still need to finish leveling it a bit, and order some top soil and spread it, and then plant grass. But is there anything I should make sure and do before that? I really do want this to be a very beautifully landscaped backyard, and I plan on doing all the work myself. I work full time though and only do this on weekends, so for now it just going to be grass and I design and install hardscape things later.

Madonna hosted the first MTV Video Award show. She stood atop a huge wedding cake, and while wearing a wedding gown and white gloves, rolled around on the floor! She has said it was “the most blatant sexual thing” she ever did on TV. The film stars her in a hilarious love story and case of mistaken identity, and introduced her song, “Into the Groove.”

The big concept coup took a year to design and build. “That’s pretty quick,” says van Hooydonk. “It means you commit to decisions and go with them, it’s a process of creation that has to come from the heart as well as the head.” Hebelieves a great car has to have a certain “handwriting”. “You must trust your vision, and not tinker too much. I think this concept car is a great example of that instinctive approach working very well.

With AGMC, all these quirks work perfectly AND a lot of times the discounts AGMC offer end up making the car cheaper than the Abu Dhabi BMW Variant. When you start complaining to the salesman about the lack of ConnectedDrive features in their stock. They always try to steer you away from the topic by telling you that their cars have 8 years warranty vs 5 years form AGMC.

I not making excuses for anyone. My point is that Heroes of the Storm failed in the market, and there are consequences for that. Starting to wind down a failed game after 4 years of trying to make it work does not mean Blizzard is full of corporate dipshits deserving of a mass boycot.

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Focus STs are WAAAAY more fun than a 328i, and they sold brand new for less than 24k. Find a lightly used one for 15k and get way more practicality from it due to it being a hatch. Will also come with significantly lower insurance payments and exponentially less in maintenance costs. You can go less practical with a Mazda MX 5, those are fun as hell. I could go on, but I have a feeling that recommending other cars isn going to convince you.

Second, the “all anyone cares about is your tits” is a direct remark against men immediate interest in boobs, and a remark against objectification. This likely would not have been said, if this wasn intended to be brought up that I was somehow objectifying women. The whole deal of men objectifying women isn exactly some sort of underground thing that no one knows about.

The first generation Miata was first sold in 1989 with a 1.6 L I4 that made 115 hp. For the 1994 model year, Mazda upgraded the Miata’s engine to a 1.8 L making 131 hp. Like the MR 2, the Miata makes do with less horsepower because it is very lightweight with good weight balance and rear wheel drive. A limited slip differential was offered as an optional extra with manual transmission cars (an automatic transmission was offered, but proved unpopular). There wasn’t much in the way of luxury, especially in the first few years of production. Air conditioning, stereo, power steering, and alloy wheels were all absent from the base model in 1989 in order to lower the entry price, although features such as these became standard later on. A first generation (1989 1998) Miata will run you $1,500 $8,000, with price varying based on age, mileage, and condition.

Thanks for the reply. I curious, when you say your sons “love their screen time”, can you give more detail? I ask because my son basically begs constantly for it. On weekends for example he basically just follow me around begging until I get frustrated enough that I tell him if he asks again he won get any screen time bfakn.club for the rest of the weekend. If he in front of a screen, I swear I could walk away for 10 hours and he just sit there playing. My daughter eventually gets bored and will look for something else to do, and she never begs. I had some concern my son desire for screens is outside of what normal, but I don have any comparison so I don know if that true.

Gas Trips The money spent at gas stations. This includes gas expenses, air freshners, filling air. Now, these expenses are hard to track and I used mint to pull the information. The money spent at gas station might have been spent on chips and gum as well, and there is no way for me to know now. And so while the gas trip number may not be exact, but it is pretty close. I always use Premium 93 grade.

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While I have done this, a lot of the time it not fun even solo, and with my family (inc. 2 kids) it no way Jose, we need to stop for bathroom breaks and stuff. So your 5 minutes at a gas station? Those are stops that should be compared to non roadtrip use of the cars, in which case you comparing to 0 minutes on the Tesla since you don stop at all, as you charge at home and never see a SuperCharger.

It totally different from a regular ICE car. Good luck!I picked up a 2016 BEV for less (certified). I try to get them to kick it down a bit.Regarding charging. you plug it in and it charges. :)The charging cable it comes with only adds about 4 miles per hour of charging.

“People who have a feel for a car get into an Alpina and instantly appreciate the steering reaction, the special suspension, the improved engine and so on but equally, people who don’t have that ‘feel’ tend to getin, drive for five miles and recognise that they are behind the wheel of something different,” says Andreas Bovensiepen, son of the founder and Alpina’s co owner and chief executive. “They feel that harmony.”

R12s were used by the German army at the outbreak of the second world war and succeeded by the R75, which was purpose built for military use (despite about 36,000 having been made, the R12 has become highly collectable, the best examples commanding up to 25,000). But with the Munich factory flattened by air raids and motorcycle production forbidden under Germany’s terms of surrender, it wasn’t until 1948 that BMW recommenced building bikes, with first the no frills, single cylinder 250cc R24 and then, from1949 on, a range of boxer twins that included the R51/2, R67 and sporting R68.

Sorry about the rant, just a little pissed off about people running their mouth. As high and mighty as some of these women are I would hate to see them have a rough time financialy. I don’t think they could do what half of us single parents do. Its not easy and I just don’t understand how anyone could ‘live’ off GA.

Same thing happened to Nissan when they introduced the GT R. The GT R had to prove itself on track. and it did. Now sure, the vast majority of GT R owners go for straight line stuff. But anyone with track experience will know that a GT R in decent hands on a track will 100% walk the talk. Does everyone like the GT R? Obviously not. But it lives up to its marketing.

My wife’s cousin, she was spoiled as a child with wealthy parents and was never told no. She was raised believing she was a princess and now she is out of high school and weight has caught up with her in a big way. She is pushing 285 lbs but still thinks she is a princess and wears such revealing clothes. She won’t take hints, my wife has tried to invite her to work out with her but she thinks they are equal and she weighs considerably more than double.

From 1990 1993, Acura sold the second generation Integra, perhaps the most popular among enthusiasts. You’ll want to find one with the 1.8 L engine producing 130 hp or the top level GS R Integra which was first introduced in 1992. Featuring Honda’s VTEC (Variable valve Timing and lift Electronic Control), the GS R’s engine produced160 hp and proved to be a favorite for tuners and enthusiast drivers alike.

This a detailed guide on how to change your engine air filter in a BMW X3. The car in the photos is a 2006 model but the process is the same for any year, and for that matter, just about any late model BMW crossover or car. Only the accessibility of the air box under the hood, the filter type, and the clip locations will vary.

To replace the washer fluid pump and/or strainer grommet. If you need to replace a leaking pump, I suggest also replacing the strainer grommet at the same time. It’s cheap and will ensure the seal between the pump and grommet don’t leak later. All told, you’ll need less than $50 worth of parts, which if you’ve ever paid a mechanic or dealer for BMW repairs, you’ll know is a relatively cheap repair.