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It is in the BMW DNA always to balance emotion and aesthetics in an affecting expression of surfaces and lines. This isimmediately apparent, but inside there are satisfactions only owners will discover: BMW connectivity is a given, and the BMW Concept 8 Series showcases a new concept for entertainment systems and user interface. All interior functions are in distinct, highly readable control clusters. The effect is of being in the world’s most luxurious racing car. Such ideas can have genesis in a sculpture, a painting in a gallery, a laboratory, the forms of the natural world. A myriad of inspirations, distilled, are in this new machine. It redefines the automotive zeitgeist.

De Ligt ends up at whatever club he does (say Juventus). A few years from now, he playing well, likes the team, is settled in Turin, etc. Raiola though has bills to pay, that 4th home in Monaco and the yacht in Sardinia are quite expensive. How can Raiola make a bucketload of cash really quickly? By trying to set up another transfer. So Raiola tries to agitate the player into seeking another move, telling de Ligt that the team isn set up to showcase de Ligt qualities, that he would be happier in another team, that he could get an even better salary and treatment as a star in Barca/Madrid/Munich/Manchester/etc. Maybe the move does go through and all those things become true, maybe not, or de Ligt just ends up unsettled in Turin with no move. The point is that Raiola can potentially pick up another 20m+ euro agent fee by advocating for something that may not be in his client best interests.

7. Caterham Super 7 R400Caterham is known around the world for their Lotus 7 replica. In fact, it’s not really a replica. It’s more of a continuation of the original design. It has, of course, been upgraded and developed over the years, and this, the R400 Superlight is the best of the build it yourself kits.

Either way, I’m thinking of possibly a Britax or Radian XT brand for me. There are so many things to consider, including whether I want an infant seat or convertible seat and if I want it to be compatible with the stroller. Also, since we may get 2 maybe we’ll get one infant and one convertible??? Or maybe we’ll share for a while and then get a 2nd one later when the baby gets bigger. So much ladies, my head is about to explode!!!

So, unless you are an exception, most of us don take road trips on the regular, on the rare(ish) occasion when we do, it not really much of a thing to stop for a bit to charge. And here another little secret. Remember when I said I would get 550+ miles on a tank in my Honda Accord on roadtrips? Well, how many hours of driving is that? If I were to average 70 MPH, that almost 7 hours of driving without stopping.

Even in traditional American motor companies such as Ford, they are using turbochargers and other lighter but strong materials to produce the more power and efficiency with less engine and therefore less fuel consumption. (For an example, look into the new 2015 mustang. Ford offers the car with an Eco boost Turbo charged I 4 engine, a traditional v 6, and a 5.0 liter v8.) Note the similarity between the 4 cylinder and 6 cylinder versions.

So what are we left with? Questioms about each other, our lives, and what we going through, good and bad, if you dont want to share, thats okay, say so and move on. If you do feel like sharing maybe you have a great talk and be closer with a friend. If you uncomfortable and dislike me for asking about your life god forbid, then I guess lets just not talk, but it not bad to attempt to have a meaningful interaction

Maybe get an older Mazda Miata if you want a sports car. Those are seriously a ton of fun to drive. Take the difference and put it in a mutual fund of some kind and maybe go on a vacation before you enter the workforce. Experiences trump things anyway..

Also, 50% utilization on a CC isn helping your credit score (credit utilization is factored into your score, even if you paying it off every month). A civic is nearly as fast (if you not a car person you won notice the acceleration difference), handles better, and has way more luxury features than a 328i

Despite having installed an L2 charger. I never actually needed that charging speed. Most of my driving happens close to my house (about 35 miles per day, if I average it out), and the car is pretty much always topped up when I jump into it in the morning.So. should you get an L2 charger? I still say yes, because fast charging is nice.

It was common with those cars, particularly the coupe models and if your in an accident your insurance won pay out if the car is re specced. Plus, if there high mileage I strongly reccomend you get a mechanic you trust to check out the car. Even the best petrol engines will tend to calve after 120k miles, particularly in a BMW because the youngfellas who tend to be the third owner drive the arse out of them.My advice? If your going to by any car more than 10 years old buy a diesel for reliability.

If you have a 2006 BMW X3 and you find your windshield washer fluid light keeps coming on, even shortly after you filled it up, you probably have a washer fluid leak. What’s more, it might not be a crack in the washer tank itself. These cars tend to spring leaks in the washer 온라인카지노 pumps and/or the grommets that hold the pump in the tank. I had mine filled and less than a week later the low fluid light came on. Indeed, the fluid was leaking out slowly, so slowly in fact that it was never reaching the ground because it was evaporating under the hood.

Yeah, but the vast majority of Brooklyn aren Nets fans. They Knicks fans, they always been Knicks fans, their kids are Knicks fans. It not just people in Manhattan that are fans. Speaking as someone who lived in NYC for almost a decade, and was not originally from the area, you see Knicks gear no matter where you go. People are wearing Knicks jerseys in all 5 boroughs, in Westchester County, in Rockland County, in Dutchess County, in Nassau and in Suffolk.

The Audi TT coupe does not have enough driver leg support. I am 5′ 7″ and had gotten used to very comfortable bucket seats in the Infiniti G35. The TT seats are shorter and do not extend far enough forward to provide the appropriate level of thigh support. I’ve tried adjusting the seat in every possible position to no avail. I also spent hours Googling to see if I could find seat extenders that would work with the TT and could not find any.

BMW Transfer Case Actuator Motor Gear Problem in DetailSo what’s going on inside the transfer case actuator motor? In short, there is a nylon (ie: plasticky) gear inside the motor that is turned by a metal worm gear (a screw). Over time the nylon part gets worn down and stripped and does not turn any more. See the photos.

For full disclosure, I had a Coccoro for DD. Loved the seat, and DD (dear daughter) outgrew it RF (rear facing) at 35″ and 26 27 lbs. I think it’s the cutest baby product on the market, but it’s a niche seat and not useful for most people. It sounds like you, like me, may be the 5% for whom it’s perfect.

Modern engines have knock sensors and run right at the edge of detonation all the time by design to extract maximum energy out of every drop of fuel. Running premium isn really giving you more margin for error in terms of pinging on a modern engine, the engine just bumps the timing up as much as the gas will tolerate anyway.

For the sliding it to another point thing. In my mom’s accord, the place on the vehicle seat track where I could fit the D ring was a few inches toward the front of the vehicle. Once I got the strap threaded through, I was able to slide it further back towards the end of the seat track. There wasn’t enough space to thread the D ring at that point, but there was enough room for the strap portion to slide in between the track and the vehicle there.

IMO, in equal cars they are def not by a mile (both not figuratively, and def not literally). VER, BOT, and, hopefully sooner rather than later, LEC would be well within 1 mile. Now, as far as experience, yes, these are the most experienced drivers. The con to experience is that it comes with age.

13) Bernie Sanders. Wide candidate debates pretty much exposed Bernie as, well, outdated. He couldn keep up, fought with the moderators, evaded questions, and defaulted to his grumpy grandpa stump speech. His ideas aren special anymore now that everyone has taken them. He all finger pointing and criticism and relishing on the past and overselling past accomplishments. I want solutions and path to solutions, not empty vague promises. “I had that idea first” is not an acceptable platform and it far less preferable to the current candidates who have taken his ideas and actually made them reasonable and actionable. It evident his success in 2016 was more from being not Hillary than from his own strengths.

Answer:It sounds like it is not connected to the traveler/rope. The red rope hanging down. Or, the main drive gear is stripped out. See if you can move the door easily without pulling on the red rope. If you can move the door it’s not connected, if it doesn’t move then you have a stripped gear.

I make that trip a few times a year for racing. it doesn make financial sense to take an additional two days off for travel, just do it in one long haul. Most of the guys I race with are doing the same thing. Of course, that only 20 ish people so it sure is an edge case but there are also plenty of people in the US doing similar travel.

5) Cory Booker. He came on very strongly for race issues, inequality, and gun control, for better or worse. I think he taken very polarizing positions on issues that are make/break for many people and that may be his anchor. He also leaned more towards anger than charm and the way he got speaking time wasn a good look; effective yes, but “not presidential”. VP or Cabinet for him.

I have the following seats available: Britax Advocate andMarathon G series (MFR dates of 2013, 1 of each), Diono Rainier, and Evenflo Sureride. Are any of these good for ERF in the X3 for YDS? If not, what is recommended? I’m open to buying a new seat for the vehicle if needed, but would prefer to avoid it if possible. The “extra” Britax seats are in MILs and my moms’ cars and I like having them there and available for the periodic use they get. I looked at the Britax ClickTights and DH (dear husband) loved them in the store, but it seems like the front to back size is roughly the same as the G series that I have, so I didn’t think it was worth the investment. Thoughts? Anything I’m missing?

I not found the magic consolidated app or map. In the midwest we have Greenlots showing up at BP stations, EV Connect in some Public Garages, and other locally based rideshare systems like BlueIndy which also allow for charger accounts (you can park and charge in open spaces). You might also look to see where your local government fleets are parking often, these vehicles have chargers in garages that are also accessible to the public.

I forgot to mention that the “kit” 55 200 and 55 300 lenses are actually fine little lenses. They lightweight and compact (especially the 55 200) and take perfectly fine pictures (although the 55 300 may be a little soft past 200mm from my very limited experience with them). They big thing is they don focus as quickly and surely as the bigger lenses with the true AF S ring motors in them. I found my old 55 200 VR useless for stuff like football with lots of chaotic movement and disappearing subjects but for more predictable sports like tennis and baseball in the daytime, it did pretty well and I got a lot of good shots with mine over the years your hit rate isn as high though because you miss things because the lens just couldn rack to where you needed it fast enough. I do recommend VR on these lenses as they don have the mass of the bigger lenses and don damp vibrations naturally as much which makes the image in the viewfinder (and what the AF sensor is seeing) jump around a lot more, even if you shooting at speeds that don normally require VR.

The first generation Miata was first sold in 1989 with a 1.6 L I4 that made 115 hp. For the 1994 model year, Mazda upgraded the Miata’s engine to a 1.8 L making 131 hp. Like the MR 2, the Miata makes do with less horsepower because it is very lightweight with good weight balance and rear wheel drive. A limited slip differential was offered as an optional extra with manual transmission cars (an automatic transmission was offered, but proved unpopular). There wasn’t much in the way of luxury, especially in the first few years of production. Air conditioning, stereo, power steering, and alloy wheels were all absent from the base model in 1989 in order to lower the entry price, although features such as these became standard later on. A first generation (1989 1998) Miata will run you $1,500 $8,000, with price varying based on age, mileage, and condition.

2 weeks ago I figure out it just a bad earth causing the slow crank and low voltage, so I fix that and it starts and runs mint. After about 15 minutes of driving the accessory pulley that been intermittently noisy completely shits the bed and starts screeching like a banshee. I don have time to fix it so I give up until next weekend.

Ranked roles This is the only feature that could be described as pay2win, but considering its the defining feature of dotaplus and removes by far the most annoying bullshit in the game that is entirely unrelated to the actual game itself (arguing over lanes while on a fucking timer amd losing gold so EVERYONE is losing while mid argues).

Forget the automobile. Our whole auto centric world is primitive. Our cities are sprawling concrete monstrosities dissected by arteries of death and filled with these grotesque beasts spewing out toxic waste clouds. Its a nightmare we have all just become used to because it is all we’ve ever known. ANY automobile is primitive.

Really not sure why you’ve been downvoted. I can’t stand Ticktum, and I’m more than happy to see him gone, but it’s yet another example of Red Bull pulling the trigger too soon. Drivers (all sportsmen) have dips in form, they should be given a chance to work through it. Clearly there was enough they saw in Ticktum to give him a shot despite all the baggage, so (as much as I’m glad they haven’t) they really should have given him a chance to reach that potential again. As with half a dozen drivers in the last couple of years.

Door styles As indicated above, you are generally limited to the 6 8 door designs that are in stock, and you must take them in the color they come with. There is no allowance for glass doors on any cabinet. You have to choose from a small assortment of wall cabinets that are able to accept glass. Wainscot panels for backs of islands are generally not available, so you must use either standard door panels or plywood. Doors always come hinged one way. If you want the door hinged on the other side, you need to flip the door over. This is no big deal except with cathedral door designs where there is a distinct left/right. In these cases, the manufacturer supplies plastic plugs to fill the unused hinge holes on the non hinged side of the door.

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Is that an extra Rainier or the one in YOUR SUV? If it’s in your SUV and you are happy with it there, just leave it be. My DS (dear son) was 46″/46 on his 5th birthday, and I harnessed him in a Frontier till 6.7 yo (49″, 55). Then I moved him into a Diono Monterey.

They are released now because politics are slow. The law will always be behind the tech in general. As self driving or even driver assistance like AP or AEB systems advance, the politics realize that they should make some regulations to protect the costumer and make sure that the systems can be trusted (from the politician point of view). I don agree with everything they decide but all the regulations will hit every OEM in the coming years.

Since trying an electric car in 2013 (a Smart ED of all things) I have never looked back. I am on my 6th electric car now, a Tesla Model S P100D. All the gas cars feel like a different century to me. Nostalgic antiques like steam trains, fax machines, and AOL. Huffing and puffing with all the heat and noise. A Rube Goldberg machine that wastes a lot of resources. It’s not just Tesla. I felt the same way about the Smart ED and our BMW i3. Tesla has just taken it the furthest without the legacy of 100 years of history and existing encumbrances. A true disruptor.

Luxury cars just don have the appeal to us that they used to. I don need the shit I thought I used to need, and I don even really want it. Seems like the cost is exponentially higher for a moderate amount of luxury features. There just isn any value there, but I guess that really isn their goal either.But thank you, and noted.

/ Simon de BurtonEmailTwitterPinterestFacebookWhen the drivers line up on July 7 for the start of the German Grand Prix at the Nrburgring, near Cologne, they will be prepared for a very different challenge from that faced by the legendary Argentinian ace Juan Manuel Fangio in 1954 when he won the race at the wheel of the Mercedes W196. Aside from the fact that Formula One technology has taken many a quantum leap during the intervening decades, the modern Nrburgring F1 circuit is far tamer than the one of old.

Cheap SupercarsOkay, let’s make one thing clear there probably isn’t anything called a ‘cheap’ Supercar. In America, any new mid engined Ferrari 458 Italia or a Lamborghini Gallardo would still retail for over USD 300,000.00 (or over half a mil in Australia, thanks to our taxes!). In other words, buying even a small supercar can be the same 카지노사이트 spending that amount of money on an average priced house.

I don know what your budge looks like but if you own a raptor I image you like some power. I have the Performance Model 3 and it is the fastest car I have ever own and I have fixed up a lot of cars. The performance model comes with Michelin pilot sports 4s tires and they are needed that car is a freakin rocket even in the turns. That car is not a one trick pony, it is a full blown track ready car but can also drive like a normal family sedan without sacrifice. The fully self driving is not out yet but there are already features exclusive to having purchased it. Autopilot has been getting noticeable updates about every week or two. This car is absolutely outrageous how amazing it is. I went all out upgrading it and have no regrets. Let me know if you have any questions.

Blancpain GT World Challenge without a doubt the biggest competition for GT3 racers. This series includes several regional sprint based championships (America, Europe and Asia), as well as the Blancpain Endurance Championship, which features 5 long distance races on European tracks, including the Spa 24 hours (27 28 July), which is without a doubt one of the jewels in the crown of GT racing. All races are livestreamed through YouTube.

We really need to be able to have an adult able to ride in the back as we have a foreign exchange student living with us who needs to be able to come along for family outings and also have found from experience that having an adult in the back with baby to sooth, give a bottle/binky etc is essential to making longer car trips tolerable/comfortable (which we take often).

If you have a 2006 BMW X3 and you find your windshield washer fluid light keeps coming on, even shortly after you filled it up, you probably have a washer fluid leak. What’s more, it might not be a crack in the washer tank itself. These cars tend to spring leaks in the washer pumps and/or the grommets that hold the pump in the tank. I had mine filled and less than a week later the low fluid light came on. Indeed, the fluid was leaking out slowly, so slowly in fact that it was never reaching the ground because it was evaporating under the hood.

The problem is, Trump isn doing this to force China to improve their human rights conditions. If he was this might be viewed as smart global policy (if bad economic policy). So it a good thing for the wrong reasons that is going to hurt a lot of people without resulting in any meaningful change.

That is how I feel when it comes to historical figures. People want to rationalize that someone like Lincoln could do something good yet still not be a good person just so they can keep him high up on the pedestal. It never occurred to people that the pedestal shouldn’t be there and that we should look at people for the good and bad they’ve done and let individuals come to their own conclusion about their character.7 years ago

People making dream car posts about Mustangs and Challengers and Corvettes are generally celebrating finally getting the car they dreamed of after saving up for a significant amount of time. If they just buy one on a whim with cash they had lying around then I agree, calling it an attainable dream car is just as pointless as calling a Fiesta or a Transit one. The point of an attainable dream car IMO is that it a stretch for you to get it, you have to make sacrifices, but you get the car anyway because it the car you been dreaming of for ages. For one person that might be saving up for years to buy a new sports car. For another it might be buying a cheap ratty version of the car they want and spending their own time building it into exactly what they want. But the point is that they put time and effort into it, because it their dream.

That is one of the reasons we decided to start showing him how to drive now. teach him slowly all the while pointing out what to do and what not to do. i watch how he is with other peoples things and i am forever telling him that how he is with them does come out in his driving technique.

I ordered this from Amazon and included the photos here. So far it has worked flawlessly for me with my wife’s 2006 BMW X3 and my 2004 Toyota Tundra Double Cab. I was able to read 2 fault codes in the BMW and clear both so the Service Engine Soon light was turned off (see disclaimer below on doing this).

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Most are, particularly in the high end. You still have plenty of manual performance cars under $60k being sold. Hot hatches, for example, all have manuals, and the manual variants sell well enough that automakers don’t have plans to discontinue them anytime soon (even in the US). Other cars that appeal heavily to enthusiasts like the Miata still sell 60% as manuals!

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) My brother drives like a magician and studied in oxford. MG sports started in Oxford. odd links that tie family together and make sense of things you never thought meant anything. To be a classic, a car has to be repairable. Parts have to be available. They want appraisal of their cars.

Dealership 3 Even though I was upset, I was close to another dealership. I made the short drive to that one. The salesman was very nice; I was able to find the car I wanted, and I purchased it that day. It was a great experience, it was just a shame that it took three attempts to find a good dealership.

Then in 2009, the floor dropped from under me. First I got laid from my job. Which allowed me to daytrade full time over a span of 9 months while halfheartedly job hunting and collecting the $1600/month unemployment that covered my monthly living expenses. Unfortunately, right around then I reverted back to the mean and the gambling tables turned cold. Over that 9 months in 2009, I eventually gave back all my winnings and then some, dropping my brokerage balance to $25k.

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Have you ever seen a Parking, Tow Away Zone sign? What do you think would happen if you parked your BMW there? Do you really think the property owner would bother to call BMW roadside assistance to tow your car away? Or would he just have Cletus drag it away like it does with every other car on the planet that he tows with the car in park and brakes on? Same thought experiment applies if somebody gets there BMW repo Same thought experiment applies if the police drag away an abandoned BMW. Same thought experiment applies if a BMW gets in an accident and is disabled/locked up. IOW, towing cars in park is a solved problem, and it happens all over the country hundreds, if not thousands, of times a day.

The 458 is also the first Ferrari to completely get rid of all stalks behind the steering wheel of the car and replace daily driver functions like indicating, turning the headlights on and off and the wiper blades into buttons on the steering wheel of the car a first for almost any mainstream manufacturer.

Recently, as my boyfriend’s lease term ended this month, we went in to talk to the finance manager about our trade in process (salesperson no longer works there). He said he would try and work on it and to come back. He set us up with a salesperson and we got nowhere. Basically, they screwed us. Even though we negotiated the price of my car before figuring we needed to combine lease payments, I am now stuck with a remaining payment of $825/mo for my car alone as my boyfriend had to trade in his car. Somewhere in the mix of paperwork it was calculated to have my boyfriends value over the 36mo instead of 15. Instead, we should have had a much lower required monthly payment and paid over that amount for the difference of my boyfriends car during the 15mo so when he turned his in my payment would have been $400.

And it certainly a “live a little” situation.As for you, you might want to first invest in more appreciating, revenue generating assets if you can (such as rental property in the right area). Buy the car next year when the same car is only 30k and you already making money from your second rental.

The Engine Control Module measures the amount of oxygen in the exhaust system via the oxygen sensors and makes adjustments by adding more or less fuel to the mixture. When the adjustments become too large to maintain the proper mixture, the fault codes P0171 and P0174 are logged. They are logged together, since in V8 and V6 (and more rarely in some 4 cylinder and straight 6 cylinder cars) the cylinders are split into two separate groups, or banks.

The summit looks good, but most people are overhyping it a lot. BMW for instance mentions on stage that their proof of concept was succesful, but the future will be long and complicated as Germans (BMW) are very skeptical of new technologies. The concept looks great, but it is not much different from many prototypes on other chains.

I have a Marathon 70 a roundabout 50 and I had a classic MA (its now expired it got lots of loving) I love my britax seats. The new seats should fit great in the smaller car, the new ones sit slightly different and the shell is slightly shorter, so it takes up a little less room when rear facing then the older seats. Just note the seat has two down sides it more then likely will not be your last seat before a traditional booster and if you want to ERF for a long time its not the best choice. However if you keep that in mind its not a bad choice.

Backstory on how this huge post was conceived. I was initially researching the history of Mazda participation in Le Mans as part of a secret project for YouTube that didn pan out. One of the main points that I was about to look into is why the Rotary engine was “banned” (Spoilers: it wasn “banned”).

Yesterday, when he was in the passenger seat with me driving, he said, “Mum, you turn quickly to the left and I’ll put the hand brake on.’ This didn’t happen, obviously, but is a guide to his immaturity.Even on private land (which to my knowledge is not illegal) I’m not sure I would want him driving my car right now.

I genuinely enjoy driving it more than my V8 powered beast. I never thought I say that, but there it is.The i3 is a blast to drive. RWD, 170 horses, all the torque available any time you push it. It turns heads, you can park it on a postage stamp, you can turn a circle inside a tiny two lane road without doing a 3 point.

Cheap SupercarsOkay, let’s make one thing clear there probably isn’t anything called a ‘cheap’ Supercar. In America, any new mid engined Ferrari 458 Italia or a Lamborghini Gallardo would still retail for over USD 300,000.00 (or over half a mil in Australia, thanks to our taxes!). In other words, buying even a small supercar can be the same spending that amount of money on an average priced house.

I had something similar happen. I hadn driven my rex in about a week. Then it was dead. Nothing worked, couldn unlock the car. All electrical was out.Because I knew it was the 12 volt battery, I took the battery out. Took it to BMW dealership and requested a new one.

It was under warranty after all, right? I felt like I was an alien They are not used to people taking out their batteries apparently. They advised me to replace the battery and have it towed to the dealership. Which I did.I did learn something today. The tow truck operator used a jump starter and it ran fine.

Saving R$. Watch for the special deals when vehicles become available for purchase. A car you just unlocked would usually go for 20% off, and RR3 often run sales on a particular high end vehicle for 40% off or more, but you need to be a pretty impressive driver to buy those.

All to the detriment of rUK. Those parties shat the bed on that one. The currency is pegged to the value of Scotland’s natural resources. The gesture of a currency union with rUK was a fucking gift to London which they threw back in our faces. I don’t see such a kindness being offered again.

November 23 2017EmailTwitterPinterestFacebookMartina Starke is happy. She has created beauty. “A great car has to look beautiful on the road,” she says. BMW’s head of brand vision and brand design has led the team behind the concept car for the new BMW Concept 8 Series a car that displays its lineage, and is at the same time boldly new. What it evinces most spectacularly is how to make a machine that has dynamism, while achieving a sumptuous degree of luxury and style. “The dynamic look comes from the form language,” she says. “You want a car that speaks to you directly when you see it for the first time.”

I’ve never played Artifact, but just that simple animation pacing was done poorly in Eternal, Gwent, Shadowverse, and Elder Scrolls: Legends. I tried getting into those but those differences just make it harder for a new player to understand what their opponent is doing, and therefore understand the game. You can dig up play history but it’s just not as approachable, and that doesn’t work on twitch. And indeed, while watching Artifact, cards would fly around during the game quickly and I would have no clue what they were.

Honorable MentionVolkswagen GTI: The ultimate hot hatchback, this sporty version of the Golf barely missed the top five. The main thing holding it back is the higher maintenance cost of German vehicles. With solid turbocharged I4 and V6 engines, the GTI is truly a fantastic combination of hatchback practicality and light your hair on fire performance.

We went through a million options, but basically I have a negative equity of $15000 that would have to be rolled into a new lease, making my payment on even a base model BMW higher than what I am 바카라사이트 paying now and for a 36mo term instead of my remaining 15mo lease. We looked at doing a buy back of my car instead of a lease trade in, but it was originally so overvalued in our deal that I am still negative the 15000. I listed it on lease trader but doubt that anyone will be interested in this car for that monthly price. They also mentioned financing my car to purchase, but three days after I got the car I was hit and it effected the alignment of the car so I am not interested in this option. We went to another BMW dealer different than the one that originally did the deal and they were shocked at what they had done to us. The only option seems to be for me to keep my car for a few more months and hope that BMW offers a pull ahead program again where they pay 3 4 of the remaining payments to get you into a new car. My boyfriend ended up leasing a new 530e and we plan on using his rebates for the electric car to pay down some of my car, but I would obviously ideally like to find a different way out of this.

This is a stunning car, especially for a relatively small manufacturer price. It’s fast, handles well, is super fun to drive, and is very rare. You could build a basic one up for $55,000 but if you want something to compete with the fastest in the world, look to spend $80,000+.

If you have read my other DIY’s you know I’m all about saving money, and 02 sensors are not cheap. For a “narrowband” oxygen sensor I have no idea what that means, so don’t ask the price ranges from $70 $200 depending what you buy and where you buy it from. Add on another $150 if you’re having the dealership change it for you. Sorry, but even $70 is too much for me, for a sensor.

Less Room to Swing a CatThe power unit was to have been a cutting edge rotary Wankel engine purchased from General Motors. The car was designed around that engine. Unfortunately GM withdrew, as the Wankel was proving neither reliable nor fuel efficient, and in the wake of the 1974 Arab oil embargo this was now an issue. The engine also produced high amounts of N0x gasses that would not comply with the new emissions regulations. straight six under the hood. It was a tight fit but they squeezed it in. This change compromised the interior space and effectively rendered it a four seater as it necessitated the use of a drive tunnel to get the power to the rear wheels which took up space in the rear seating area. The Wankel which would have been front wheel drive would have needed no such tunnel. The car was still roomy but not as roomy as it might have been.

It the same thing as the guys that buy a high powered 30k Ducati race bike to putt around town on. Everyone is entitled to do as they wish and if it worth it to you then awesome, I personally just find the notion silly. I bought a 2016 BMW 3 series slightly used with 1,000 miles on it.

Same thing happened to Nissan when they introduced the GT R. The GT R had to prove itself on track. and it did. Now sure, the vast majority of GT R owners go for straight line stuff. But anyone with track experience will know that a GT R in decent hands on a track will 100% walk the talk. Does everyone like the GT R? Obviously not. But it lives up to its marketing.

In places they literally have stated they are cheapening materials. For example the F10 using steel vs aluminum in the chassis. Cheaper but more weight. You also are correct but more Inline with my thinking. For example the ZF8 transmission is in every bmw in the line up from suv to M5. It’s a nice commuter transmission but doesn’t have any business being in the M5 IMO. But bmw made ZFs biggest transmission purchase in the companies history to you can imagine the discount on a per unit basis for that.

These “touristenfahrten” days are hugely popular with petrolheads, hordes of whom converge on the place to take advantage of the opportunity to push themselves and their cars, motorcycles, vans (you name it, people will thrash it) to the absolute limit and frequently beyond for the small charge of 26 per lap.

The big concept coup took a year to design and build. “That’s pretty quick,” says van Hooydonk. “It means you commit to decisions and go with them, it’s a process of creation that has to come from the heart as well as the head.” Hebelieves a great car has to have a certain “handwriting”. “You must trust your vision, and not tinker too much. I think this concept car is a great example of that instinctive approach working very well.

This is also false. Not many people played Heroes, so not many people are heartbroken. And I will say it yet again that the fact that they dumped money into developing a game and owning an esports league for a failed game for 4 years should earn them good will, not cost them good will when the inevitable finally happens.

You have to learn respect for others first. it helps you to become a better person and a person that respects rules.i bought a video that will certainly help him with this but he refuses to watch it at all. his dad and i stopped taking him out for driving lessons until he proves to us he is capable of respect for others and the responsiblity he should be capable of.

(Privacy Policy)ComscoreComScore is a media measurement and analytics company providing marketing data and analytics to enterprises, media and advertising agencies, and publishers. Non consent will result in ComScore only processing obfuscated personal data. (Privacy Policy)Amazon Tracking PixelSome articles display amazon products as part of the Amazon Affiliate program, this pixel provides traffic statistics for those products (Privacy Policy)ClickscoThis is a data management platform studying reader behavior (Privacy Policy).

They don’t need to win one Sunday to help sell on Monday. People will buy BMWs regardless and having a winning reputation won’t likely do much to boost sales. Just looking and riding their first iteration of the S1KRR it is very street oriented and friendly bike compared to the rest of the superbikes being sold.Even with current concession perks for returning and new manufacturers, there isn’t a significant enough of an incentive to build a prototype to the standards of Ducati, Honda, and Suzuki right now.

Drove like a dream. Hated it. Didn feel right, like putting on airs.Also, you eventually be out of warranty and there are a million things that can go wrong with those over engineered cars. Frivolous stupid shit of every imaginable kind. Outrageously expensive parts that come in monolithic increments. Felt like a sucker every time the BMW dealership held me up for outrageous repair costs that only they would do and that would cost 80% less for the same thing on a Ford.Also on the “new vs.

I would be concerned about keeping a nicer car safe being that your beater already got broken in to. I am a sucker for toys of the four wheeled variety, but maybe it would be better to just buy reliable transportation in cash right now and allocate your income to getting your down payment put together to get in to a house (assuming you’re going to continue to live in the area for a while)Car guy here. A civic is nearly as fast (if you not a car person you won notice the acceleration difference), handles better, and has way more luxury features than a 328i. The only two things the 328i has on a Civic is better ride quality and less road noise. If you actually looking for a car that is fun to drive, you can do much, much better for way less money. But seriously, another note on features, the BMW 3 series fully loaded has a serious lack of luxury features compared to all economy brands: Honda, Toyota, Nissan, Hyundai, and Kia all have more and better features than 3 series BMWs.

I test drove an Audi TT model that was identical to the one I eventually purchased, but in a different color. Like most test drives, this one took about 20 minutes and we drove around the streets closest to the car dealership. I remember thinking about how fun it was and didn’t notice any possible short comings in the car. I had also completed extensive internet research and the consensus of TT owners was “I love my car!”.

Hardware Make sure the glides are of a good quality and are soft close (a standard these days). Ask your retailer how they handle requests for broken glides and hardware a year or years down the road. As for hinges, are they self closing? Are they of good quality? The hinge on your door actuates a lot in the course of its life, and you do not want to be constantly adjusting the hinges or replacing them.

Roughly 1/2 of your annual income. Also, if you take a loan out on the car, it could mean that the car will cost you 10 25% more than the sticker price. Yikes!Yes, saving up could take up to a year but you will save yourself from looking like a douchebag (to some) for buying a brand new bmw your first month of work at your first job.

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Yesterday, when he was in the passenger seat with me driving, he said, “Mum, you turn quickly to the left and I’ll put the hand brake on.’ This didn’t happen, obviously, but is a guide to his immaturity.Even on private land (which to my knowledge is not illegal) I’m not sure I would want him driving my car right now.

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I admit that I a Mercedes fanboy and when I started off my car quest I was dead set on a W204. Test drove a few and even got to test newer CLA and C300, while I connected much more with these cars and prefer the interior of these over them all. the driver feel was still just as bad (but I expected it). Much more of a “boaty” type feel that I don mind as the drive was smooth and subtle and would have been fine with if I never test drove the ATS. I liked the CLA but knew I didn want to own one and the newer C300 was great but really out of my price range. Again, I also not a fan of what it costs to own and maintain these in the states.

Finally this car gets better with age. OTA updates have added, games, better braking, more range, more power, faster 0 60, better autopilot, new features to autopilot, dash cam, car security, sentry mode, etc. FOR FREE. It has practically 0 m,iantance and will cost about 55% less over 5 years to own and drive this car. I honestly dont know why anyone would pick something else really. Get more, pay less, better experience, better for the environment, will always get better. No brainer imo

I was driving on a country road at 2 ocklock in the morning, and just as I am turning onto the highway, this car comes flying up behind me, with no headlights, no nothing. Buddy you didn’t pull me over, I pulled over and you pulled in behind me. I’m not blind. I was trying to get out of your way, I thought you were going to smash into my car, and I pulled over.

That theory of mine probably doesn conform with the standard theory pushed by economists. I was actually inspired by a reddit comment in the past year that I can find, but it was on a post about some type of college race or gender quota. The gist of the comment was that full economic potential would be where every potential engineer, scientist, any category, can become what they want to be. They not stifled by circumstances that force them into alternative positions or limit their potential.

Go to your Bluetooth settings on your phone and scan for available devices to pair with. Find the OBDII scanner in the list (probably will be the only one) and pair the device to your phone. You can enter the suggested password of 0000 or 1234, and it should pair up.

For the reddit discussion on the rest of his talk, see here. The apps will give info on any maintenance that needs to be done, recalls on parts, non mutable mileage, how far until next oil change, etc. All the information could be imported from the car through the internet to the blockchain. Then, using Thor saved onto the blockchain. I also could say it never been in an accident before even though it has been. I could also say it has all OEM parts but if we use blockchain we could have a small microchip IOT that verifies the part is OEM instead of 3rd party. Also, a scammer could swap VIN from a broken car to a stolen car. Blockchain can prevent scams and save companies $$ because of immutable data.

6. LimousineLimousines, or ‘limos’, are very luxurious sedans with long, enclosed bodies. Previously, this term was used for cars with an enclosed passenger area and an open topped driver’s seat, where the front of the roof elongated to provide shade for the driver. But things have changed a lot since then; now limos are fully covered from the outside, and they have highly luxurious compartments inside. Still, the compartment for the driver remains separate.

We were looking at them because we wanted something roomy and comfy on the road that had memory seats, heated seats and wheel, and a big moonroof and I still like a big V6 over a turbo 4 the LaCrosse was one of the cars that ticked the boxes. Cooled seats, seat massagers and a HUD were options that came with the Premium trim and I glad we got them I turn the massagers on every time I get in (and I been trying to figure out how to retrofit some into my old Mustang).

I’ve never played Artifact, but just that simple animation pacing was done poorly in Eternal, Gwent, Shadowverse, and Elder Scrolls: Legends. I tried getting into those but those differences just make it harder for a new player to understand what their opponent is doing, and therefore understand the game. You can dig up play history but it’s just not as approachable, and that doesn’t work on twitch. And indeed, while watching Artifact, cards would fly around during the game quickly and I would have no clue what they were.

Raiola presents the proposed contract. The bidding clubs balk at the terms. Several clubs say to Raiola that they instead offer de Ligt a top 10 center back salary with no annual increase, and by the way they increase Raiola agent fee to 25m euros. Anyone that played FM knows this strategy well.

R12s were used by the German army at the outbreak of the second world war and succeeded by the R75, which was purpose built for military use (despite about 36,000 having been made, the R12 has become highly collectable, the best examples commanding up to 25,000). But with the Munich factory flattened by air raids and motorcycle production forbidden under Germany’s terms of surrender, it wasn’t until 1948 that BMW recommenced building bikes, with first the no frills, single cylinder 250cc R24 and then, from1949 on, a range of boxer twins that included the R51/2, R67 and sporting R68.

Reitman, who has a neutral rating on Ferrari stock and a 12 month price target of $141, said he’s confident in the company’s new CEO Louis Camilleri. Previous management pushed volume of lower priced series cars at any cost while Camilleri has put an emphasis on higher end models like the upcoming mid engined SF90 Stradale plug in hybrid supercar, which is expected to be priced around 400,000 euros ($456,000).

Then, cash assistance is now called work first. You get like 200 bucks a MONTH for a family of 3 but you have are required to look for a job atleast 25 hours a week. And to top it off, if you pos SD (sperm donor) does pay child support the state takes it as rembursement till what they gave you is paid back.

My take on it? “Productive” to me simply means that everyone can do whatever they want to do, and that with that freedom ideally overall society will be more productive. Maybe there are less engineers than we want, but the ones that choose to be engineers are inspired and creative. Maybe there are more artists than we need and we can really understand their contribution, but hopefully they can contribute in their own way.

It the same thing as the guys that buy a high powered 30k Ducati race bike to putt around town on. Everyone is entitled to do as they wish and if it worth it to you then awesome, I personally just find the notion silly. I bought a 2016 BMW 3 series slightly used with 1,000 miles on it.

Get reddit premiumEveryone question is buyer specific, but some/all of your question may be easily answered using our FAQ check them out below!Please post the Model, Year, Miles and Trim when asking vehicle specific questions to help us resolve your issue faster! This should include trim, major options (engine, 2WD/4WD, specific options or add ons), and an honest evaluation of the condition. Once you start hitting the 80K mile+ range there are several repairs you can expect, but generally the problem is the issues are random.

To boot, there was no adult supervision at all. She can’t honestly say she was careful.What I do know about are cars, motorcycles, boats, machines etc and I’m a very 바카라사이트 qualified mechanic in several fields with an amateur motorsports history.I live in a very rural part of Ireland where we tend to know most people in a 10 mile radius.

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Each generation of car buyers wants to see something new. What defines this era? “It’s complicated,” he says. “This is an information society and people want what technology can deliver, but these are also restless times. We are always trying to capture that zeitgeist and reflect it in design.”Both technology and high design are prominent in this new car. The marque’s pedigree means a certainty of both power and performance, and that is plainly on show in the design aesthetic. This car is built to run well enough for even the most restless, but in complete comfort. The digital cockpit is sculpted around the driver, with the centre console stretching up and over the dashboard. Behind the wheel, everything you need to function is within reach. At the same time, the interior seems cleaner and more modern; it’s a more integrated design approach.

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June 02 2017EmailTwitterPinterestFacebookDedicated BMW owners always knew. They have long and very happy memories when it comes to the big 8 Series coups of the 1990s, and there was always talk that Bayerische Motoren Werke would revive the Series 8 legacy, reinvent it. Now there is a powerful, beautiful new Concept 8 Series sports coupfrom one of the world’s great car makers.

For the record, psychobabble like ‘putting one on a pedastal’ achieves only one thing fooling a patient into thinking they need to come back for one more session to interpret what this means thereby enabling the counsellor to upgrade their Ford to a BMW. Moral of the story be nice to your partner it saves on counsellors.7 years ago

Which car do you have which car is your dream car?I own a bmw 3 series, e46 model. And i just love it. And my dream car is lamborghini murcielagoNow its your turn to tell me which car you own, and which car you would like to have, if you had money for it.

Because here’s what I generally think. Hard work pays. That’s the motto I try to live my life by. Work hard, make a contribution, and it will pay off one way or another. Nothing in life should be a cakewalk. Nothing should be handed down on a silver platter. Everything should be hard. Everything should be a challenge, and if you get somewhere and you achieve something, by God you should have a trail of blood, sweat, and tears in a long path behind you.

But by your measures it would be easy for you to write a bulletproof regulation for level 4 vehicles right now. Because maybe the first will be somewhat available in 3 5 years (maybe). You can also choose any different topic including fast changing technology and define a set of rules today which will be valid in 5 years.

Like a true addict, even when I later successfully got another job with good pay and continued saving 65% of my take home pay so I rebuilt my savings to $100k about 3 4 years later, I jumped back into leveraged ETFs and options trading to “win back my losses” and honestly to regain some of the winner’s high. I used supposedly tighter risk management peaked at $175k before the stock market table turned cold again and I then giving back all my gains yet again.

Focus STs are WAAAAY more fun than a 328i, and they sold brand new for less than 24k. Find a lightly used one for 15k and get way more practicality from it due to it being a hatch. Will also come with significantly lower insurance payments and exponentially less in maintenance costs. You can go less practical with a Mazda MX 5, those are fun as hell. I could go on, but I have a feeling that recommending other cars isn going to convince you.

The Verdict: The MR 2 is a surprisingly fuel efficient sports car with a mid engined layout and rear wheel drive performance. With a huge aftermarket following, it won’t be difficult to find parts and modifications to spec the car up to wherever you want it. It’s going to be hard to find a better handling car at this price point!

I had my F30 328d for 1.5 years and 20k miles. No problems related to the engine, but it only just touching 50k miles now, I would hope it could last that long. :) I wasn interested in the E90 335d because I didn need the power and the fuel economy wasn all that great. I been crazy happy with the fuel economy I gotten so far, my best tank was 52mpg, it was pure highway miles. Around town with mixed driving I get 38 40mpg. I do have alot of sprinter diesel customers with the 3.0 V6 diesel, most of their issues are emissions related and can be very expensive (if they don travel any to Cali, its pretty much mandatory to delete) other then that, the classic throttle petal issues, about $600 to $900 depending on the year, oil issues with over heating (The 3.0 V6 is like the old Jeep 4.0 when it comes to the oil issues, fantastic engine, runs forever, but if it ever goes over 15 20 degrees over its normal operating temperature, there is no forgiveness, that motors done, $9,000 to $14,000 for a new engine) and the timing chain stretching problems.

I really am not a vain person. I’m not into status symbols just for the sake of looking like something I’m not. I don’t know fashion and I don’t go to all the hip clubs. But I do appreciate quality, and when I am blessed to be able to buy nice things for myself, then I feel I should have them. My Beemer has been one of those things.

But it not 100% necessary if you a short distance commuter.Anything else you should worry about?Tires. They a little expensive (more than $150 per tire). Make sure the car you buy has a relatively fresh set.Range. This thing is going to get between 60 and 80 miles of range, but you won hit that 80 mark outside of perfect conditions (45mph, good weather, no AC/heat usage, eco++ mode).Realistic “safe” range under real world heavy AC/heat use is going to be closer to 60 miles.

With all the bulk of that supercharger.Just to give you an idea of how worlds apart is production bikes and motogp. Modern liter bikes ridden by ex motogp racers like Simon crater posts laptimes comparable or lower to that of moto3 riders in race pace. That is 250 cc vs 1000 cc, 60 HP vs 200+ Hp.11th on the grid using an “off the shelf” pirelli SCX, a tyre that anyone can contact pirelli and buy.

Sensor 2 is not going to have to do with combustion at all, so its unlikely that fixed your problem. Youre probably going to need a more BMW specific scan tool to see what faults are pending if the car is indeed misfiring. For a short term fix, try something like a diesel additive to try and clean the fuel up, maybe someone used cheap or incorrect fuel in the past. If you still have issues and no codes with a decent scanner, then its possible you have something in the drivetrain. Im not that familiar with the diesels, but the earlier X3, like 2007 2013 had some issues with the transfer case, which would sort of chatter/slip under acceleration and make it feel like a misfire or stumble. Also, try disconnecting the battery, and leaving the key forward so the dash is lit up but not running, and maybe it will do a throttle body adaptation after 30 seconds or so. Lastly, failing fuel injections, gummed up intkaes, and carbon buildup are not uncommon to any BMW, so it may be something along those lines.

The AMC Pacer ArrivesWhen I first went to North America aged sixteen in the summer of 1975, my parents and I were met at Toronto airport by my Dad’s cousin, the wonderfully craggy, frail, chain smoking Cliff and his trusty 1965 AMC Rambler Cross Country. When we returned the following year Cousin Cliff had suffered a series of heart attacks, had a triple bypass operation, was still smoking and had ditched the Rambler for something he referred to as his “moon buggy”; the amazing bubble on wheels that was his brand new beige AMC.

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