Arhiv značk: ? ?? ?? ?????

I’m a car seat tech btw. In my opinion, the hardest sedans to fit 2 car seats in are Subarus. Any mid size sedan (other than a Subaru) should be fine though. Volkswagens tend to have very roomy back seats, and the Passat has very high safety ratings. The BMW 5 Series has a good back seat.

As for make/model recommendations, it’s really such a broad category. Look up safety ratings for cars in your price range. To plan ahead for the future, look for a car that has 2 sets of LATCH anchors you’re going to need a top tether anchor for each forward facing car seat, so you need 2 for twins.

But GM did say last month it expects to spend $1 billion more for commodities like steel and aluminum next year. The price of those goods rose since the Trump administration imposed tariffs on those products in an effort to help US mills. Even US steel and aluminum producers have raised prices because they no longer face as much competition from overseas product.

I have drag raced BMW cars at a BMW event, and I have noticed most automatics have a limit to how much torque can be output by the torque converter to the wheel. Even if the other guy launched it hard, you should be able to stay ahead at least until the first gear change. If you can shift fast enough, you can beat most non high end automatics.

Ranked roles This is the only feature that could be described as pay2win, but considering its the defining feature of dotaplus and removes by far the most annoying bullshit in the game that is entirely unrelated to the actual game itself (arguing over lanes while on a fucking timer amd losing gold so EVERYONE is losing while mid argues).

President Bill ClintonPresident William “Bill” Jefferson Clinton 8/19/46 was the 42nd President of the United States from 1993 2001. He adores being in the spotlight as much as any Leo. He was 46 on his first Inauguration Day, and many people consider him to be the “Baby Boomer” President, as he was the right age and seemed to share many of the concerns of this particular group.

I was informed by the dealer, that due to some changes Audi made in the brake materials, squeaking was normal. It was such a common complaint, I was even given a pre printed pamphlet all about “brake noise”. I was relieved that nothing was wrong with my brakes, but the squeaking can be very annoying.

Dealership 1 I was on vacation one week and decided to make the two hour drive to test drive a Mini. I arrived at the dealership and felt like I was more of a pain since I wasn’t buying at that time. I was given a short test drive and was sent on my way. That thoroughly discouraged me and I stopped looking for awhile.

IMO, in equal cars they are def not by a mile (both not figuratively, and def not literally). VER, BOT, and, hopefully sooner rather than later, LEC would be well within 1 mile. Now, as far as experience, yes, these are the most experienced drivers. The con to experience is that it comes with age.

3. Crossover utility vehicles combine the features of hatchbacks and station wagons with those of SUVs. In recent years, crossovers have been trending in popularity. They have some features inherited from SUVs, like high point seating, high ground clearance, 4 wheel drive (optional) and a tall interior. On the other hand, they also have some characteristics of hatchbacks or wagons, like great handling, good fuel efficiency, a passenger vehicle’s platform and 2 box design.

Have you ever done multiclass racing before?If you haven I heavily recommend racing in GT3 before going GTE. It sounds like you own the Ferrari GT3, so you done so GT3 racing but only in the Ferrari challenge series. IMSA, in either GTE or GT3, is a completely different beast.If you do a season in the GT3s first, you will gain skills needed to drive the GTE cars later.

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Great gas mileage. Even though these cars use premium gas, it does offer decent gas mileage. I only have to fill up my tank once a month, and that is driving to and from work as well as other places around town. I can do about six to seven hours of solid freeway driving before needing a fill up.

Despite having installed an L2 charger. I never actually needed that charging speed. Most of my driving happens close to my house (about 35 miles per day, if I average it out), and the car is pretty much always topped up when I jump into it in the morning.So. should you get an L2 charger? I still say yes, because fast charging is nice.

I’ve never played Artifact, but just that simple animation pacing was done poorly in Eternal, Gwent, Shadowverse, and Elder Scrolls: Legends. I tried getting into those but those differences just make it harder for a new player to understand what their opponent is doing, and therefore understand the game. You can dig up play history but it’s just not as approachable, and that doesn’t work on twitch. And indeed, while watching Artifact, cards would fly around during the game quickly and I would have no clue what they were.

When Jung was about 12, another boy pushed him so hard that he was unconscious for a period. The first thing he recalled was thinking, “I won’t have to go to school anymore.” From that time on, whenever he thought about going to school, or doing homework, he fainted. His parents kept him home for six months, and finally believed he had epilepsy. He heard his father discussing this, and did realize the doctor would be costly, so Carl forced himself to his father’s study, and began to read a Latin book. This caused him to faint three more times (although friends who have taken Latin assure me it has negative effects on them too), but he fought it, and the fainting stopped. Jung had discovered this was neurosis.

The “Announcement Package 1″, of tinted window and power steering was $139 and “Announcement Package 2″ of a front sway bar, steel belted radial tires and power front disc brakes was $203.45. So in order to get your Pacer up to scratch you had to part with the best part of $1,300, taking the price up to about $4,600.

Brake fluid, for example, is essentially the same in every car. A good practice is to flush the system every two years, and the German manufacturers call for this. However it costs money. The maintenance upside, and it is a big one, is that it reduces the risk of corrosion in what are becoming ever more complex (and expensive to repair) brake systems but only after the car passes middle age. [There are also safety issues at play, but my point is purely on the maintenance side.]

Idea 3: Kids and Teens Can Edit Photos to Earn MoneyKids these days have the advantage of knowing how to use certain tools on the computer that adults don’t have the time or knowhow to use. For example, there are many different photo editing programs available, and many teens, preteens, and even younger children are widely using them. Kids can edit photos for friends and family members to earn quick cash.

His residual is 6k as per KBB private party. That fine and dandy, but unless he takes the effort to sell the vehicle on his own (which most people sadly don he might get $3500 for trade in value on an exceptionally good day, of course heavily depending in the condition of the car.

If you have a 2006 BMW X3 and you find your windshield washer fluid light keeps coming on, even shortly after you filled it up, you probably have a washer fluid leak. What’s more, it might not be a crack in the washer tank itself. These cars tend to spring leaks in the washer pumps and/or the grommets that hold the pump in the tank. I had mine filled and less than a week later the low fluid light came on. Indeed, the fluid was leaking out slowly, so slowly in fact that it was never reaching the ground because it was evaporating under the hood.

Thank you for your reply Nightstorm_NoS, my budget was 1/2 off that, and I know people are going to say that if you have a low budget you should steer clear from a BMW, electric or not. Every one in my neighborhood it seems has now taken delivery of their model 3 has they are all over the place. It a cool car but it is by no mean a city car, which is what I need. We have a ICE Suv for long range, for now. I have taken delivery of the i3 REX and I can say for sure, I would have been frustrated but the Bev version. Consider it cheating but the Rex extender has proven so far to be worth the extra $$. I coded the car and I have driven with 174 miles of range, light foot and taking advantage of steep downhills with battery Soc hold. I can charge or I can pump, having flexibility is sure sweet.

Has anyone encountered this problem? Both the Chicco and Headwise are relatively compact seats, but would possibly changing out the Graco for an even skinnier Diono Radian or Safety First guide 65 perhaps solve the problem? As well as switching up seat location or installation method (moving one to middle of a smaller seat works, changing up seatbelt vs. latch etc)?

Warhol began his working life as a commercial illustrator, but it was obvious that he was onto something new. He began by drawing pictures of shoes, and was also commissioned to paint a campaign of cars for BMW. He attended what is now Carnegie Mellon Institute, and in 1949 began working in New York City, illustrating magazines, later developing a technique for silk screening. Many people are familiar with his iconic painting of a Campbell’s Soup Can, and he had his first gallery showing in 1962, in the Ferus Gallery of Los Angeles. This was his first solo effort, and soon after he had a gallery showing in New York as well, at Eleanor Ward’s Stable Gallery. As his career picked up, he began painting dollar bills, mushrooms, Coca Cola bottles and the Campbell’s Soup Cans. There was a symposium of his work at New York’s Metropolitan Art Museum in December of 1962, but he was criticized for giving in to commercialism.

I genuinely enjoy driving it more than my V8 powered beast. I never thought I say that, but there it is.The i3 is a blast to drive. RWD, 170 horses, all the torque available any time you push it. It turns heads, you can park it on a postage stamp, you can turn a circle inside a tiny two lane road without doing a 3 point.

/r/vive should be a place for creating discussions. So don divert or restrict the discussion. No requests for only pms or to leave comments on youtube, twitter in lieu of the subreddit. No closed surveys. Don use the subreddit for shout outs or individual communication to other redditors, people or companies. To encourage discussion and community orientated content, some types of links are restricted to text posts only. This includes personal youtube channels, shopping sites and steam deals. Further bot enforced restrictions are often experimented with for various contexts to improve submission quality without excluding topics.

DTM is a “touring car” championship featuring cars built to the same specification as GT500, that race within Europe, currently featuring cars from BMW, Audi and Aston Martin, they next race at the Norisring street circuit on July 6th. Races can be streamed from the DTM Youtube channel depending on your location, but a VPN or a check of your local TV listings may be in order.

The Defender is a great narrow seat for 3 across that’s really budget friendly. Keeps just about every child in a 5 point harness until they are at an appropriate booster age (5 6 years old). My almost 6yo twin sibs are both in Defenders with at least 1 2 years left before they outgrow the harness mode.

Yes, I know the warning that cars like Mercedes and BMW can cost a lot to maintain, but we’re not talking regular maintenance here. I was rear ended on the 285 a few weeks ago, and the guy at the shop asked me how I liked the car. I subconsciously hesitated in my response, and he called me on it. He then told me his boss had the same car and had multiple complaints, including the sunroof and electronic glitches that required him to enter from the passenger side. I’ve heard a few other tales as well.

Kawasaki would rather stay and dominate WSBK with Rea and the ZX 10R. Also MotoGP is much more expensive to become competitive in than WSBK. If I recall properly, there is a cap on how much work that can be done with their production motorcycles. I think it is 250k? That’s pennies compared to a prototype engine, chassis, and hiring engineering teams for the spec electronics hardware/software.Also considering the funds available for Kawasaki vs Honda, Yamaha, Ducati, Suzuki, etc, Kawasaki HQ sees WSBK domination a better ROI than becoming midpack in MotoGP for more than four times the cost of WSBK.BMW just doesn’t care for racing as much as it’s fellow manufacturers.

While the other may have attributes and abilities that you aspire to have or wish you had, your putting them on a pedestal continually keeps these same attributes and abilities out of your reach. You have given your power over to the person on a pedestal. Often groups of people will elevate another to pedestal power and this is how cults come into being. Whether the person has been placed there by the false precepts of others or demanded to be put their by some false delusions of their own, nobody belongs on a pedestal at least nobody who is alive. Even then some of mankind’s great icons have had extreme personality flaws and areas of their lives in which they were barely functioning.

When I use my front wheel drive Toyota, no problem at all. Any skidding is purely for fun I love doing handbrake turns when the roads are iced up. Yeah OK, I’m just a big kid but when no one is about and the roads are sheet ice it’s an opportunity to practice controlled slides.

To summarize, the Cayman R is a purist’s dream when it comes to performance cars. Despite having the lowest horsepower of the 10 cars on this list, it laps the Nrburgring in 8:06, faster than the Ferrari 550 Maranello, the V10 powered BMW M6, and the Lamborghini Diablo SV. The R makes up for being a low powered car by weighing as close to nothing as you’ll find in a modern car. That means excellent acceleration, braking, and handling. Expanding upon their model lineup of the Elise and Exige, Lotus added the Evora as a slightly larger and more powerful sports car. Although it is bigger than the tiny Elise, the Evora has retained everything that has put Lotus on top of the wish lists of drivers worldwide. The chassis is well balanced, the steering and handling are incredibly precise, and the brakes are amazing. While the standard Evora makes do with 276 hp, the S includes a supercharger on top of the 3.5L Toyota V6, boosting power to 345 hp at 7,000 rpm. To stop all 345 of these horses, the Evora S has excellent brakes and tires. When Car and Driver tested the Evora S’s 70 0 braking distance, it landed within five feet of the best distance they had recorded 146 feet. This handling and grip of the Lotus can make average drivers look great and inspire confidence at the limit. The Evora maintains all of the downsides that are present in nearly all Lotus cars, namely the complete lack of practicality. The cabin is small and not particularly ergonomic, the footwell is very tight, and visibility is limited.

If you have read my other DIY’s you know I’m all about saving money, and 02 sensors are not cheap. For a “narrowband” oxygen sensor I have no idea what that means, so don’t ask the price ranges from $70 $200 depending what you buy and where you buy it from. Add on another $150 if you’re having the dealership change it for you. Sorry, but even $70 is too much for me, for a sensor.

The BMW Concept 8 Series is a highly assured product, it looks already as if it owns the roads it will drive on. “You have to be confident in design,” says Starke, “but that sureness comes from hard work and constant observation. It is very difficult to separate the job from the life.” In her life, as one of the increasing number of womenwho fashion the look and feel of BMW cars, she is looking at our lives: specifically urban, increasingly mobile. The paramount design input is from people, 바카라사이트 whether customers or not. The mission is to understand how we live, how we will live, what our needs are.

I have navigation info projected on the windshield when using the default Gps but not when using CarPlay.You must also understand that from the main os’s POV CarPlay is just a single other screen.Siri integration is okay for basic commands. Maps is okay with updated traffic information.Problem is you can’t use Siri in multiple languages which limit some more advanced features like dictating text in your native language if you want siri in English.

Madonna, the Material Girl Madonna 8/16/58 or Madonna Louise Ciccone, the real name of this controversial artist, is in the Guinness Book of World Records as the top selling female performer of all time. She lost her mother at the age of 5, and suffers the unresolved emotions of this tragedy. Madonna was a lonely young girl who got good grades in school, but always felt rebellious, like she was searching for something.

No government official ‘deserves’ an expensive car. Many Nazis were also just following the rules! (an exaggerated example, but illustrates my point) If you can’t see the problem with purchasing expensive cars for the sake of appearances, with the majority of the country in poverty, you need to open your eyes!

I’m a car seat tech btw. In my opinion, the hardest sedans to fit 2 car seats in are Subarus. Any mid size sedan (other than a Subaru) should be fine though. Volkswagens tend to have very roomy back seats, and the Passat has very high safety ratings. The BMW 5 Series has a good back seat.

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Hey all! I would love some advice on fitting 3 car seats across in an x3. My daughter is 5 (and a tiny thing) and in a Britax Marathon 70. My son is 2.5 and we just swapped his marathon out for a Radian rxt. We were planning on swapping my daughter out to a Radian as well. Our 3rd is coming in July and we’d love to be able to use 3 seats back there, with one being an infant seat.

This particular kit comes with everything you need except engine, transmission, and paint. It’s designed around a small block Chevy engine, although a large number of engines can be squeezed in there. How about the 5.4l V8 from a Porsche 928 GTS? Coming with 345bhp, this thing will fly, and that’s before you start tweaking the engine. 500bhp is attainable!

I try to avoid being in anyone blind spot as much as possible: never merge into a lane in a way that would put you in their blind spot, if the road isn crowded then switch lanes so you won be in their blind spot, speed up to be in their blind spot for as little time as possible, never count on anyone using their turn signals. I mean, how would I feel if somebody come runnin in the gym and bust me in my ass while I on the treadmill? Then I saw this snarling beast guy, and I noticed he had a tissue in his hand, and I realizing, y he not snarling, he sneezing. Y ain no real threat there. Then I saw little Tiffany. I thinking, y eight year old white girl, middle of the ghetto, bunch of monsters, this time of night with quantum physics books? She about to start some shit, Zed. She about eight years old, those books are WAY too advanced for her. If you ask me, I say she up to something.

What would be your dream car?by LeonJane 8 years agoWhat would be your dream car?If money wasn’t an option what car would you pick? Would it be and Italian sports car? Would it be a classic car or big block V8? would it be an antique car? Or would you just like something modern which gave you good mileage?If money wasn’t stopping you from purchasing your dream car, what would it be anby Christy G 7 years agoWhat’s your dream car?I’ve always wanted a porche 911 twin turbo, but if I had to pick one car, assuming that money is no object it would be the bugatti veyron supercar.Show DetailsNecessaryHubPages Device IDThis is used to identify particular browsers or devices when the access the service, and is used for security reasons.

What vehicles do MIL (mother in law) and mom drive? If one of them can accommodate a Sureride, give it to them. Surerides are like Dionos very long front to back. If LO (little one) is 50% for height and weight, it should RF (rear facing) him till about 4. Mine was in the 90%+ for height, like your oldest, and reached 40″/40 at 3.4 yo.

Don ask for votes, draw attention to the voting or make disingenuous comments on voting. Be very careful about where you share links or direct users both on reddit and away from reddit. Avoid forming or supporting groups that vote or comment together. Do not immediately link to your own post on another subreddit or vice versa. If you control or support a forum or chat server ensure that it is not influencing the subreddit. Do not use a followed user profile or shared account.

I was asking these question to try and see where people view points are but in seeing the responses I determined its just a bunch of hyperbole, just classic keyboard warriors not putting any thought into the situation besides superficial reasoning. claiming they are concentration camps is simply trying to instill nazi overtones to make their argument sound better. All it does it divide, take away from serious conversation, and doesnt lead to any solutions as each side hardens.

The issue is that some of the people who do abuse it are so incredibly blatant. They get away with more because they are actively scamming the system. It’s like a nerfarious version of what I do with airline miles. I find every program and loophole I can because it’s the only way I can afford to visit my family (and it’s legitimate). Because I am actively keep an eye on the programs and know all the rules/loopholes I get way more miles than most other folks who passively use the programs. I have personally known some welfare abusers and am sadly related to at least one. You’d think just by watching who brags, you could pick out the creeps. It seems most people don’t have the patience though. It’s a shame that there are people who use their benefits at casinos,resorts, in the Bahama, etc. Because it devalues the purpose of the system.

Oh, and of course, the best bit, you get to build it yourself! If that’s not something you’ve done before, fear not, most of these cars can be built relatively easily, and there is plenty of help out there on forums. The Factory five forums are very very impressive, so are the GT40 ones.

[WP]When you reach 18, you get put in a database which ranks you in different categories (ex. 207,145th in the world for most bug kills) You lived on a ranch and never used tech. You had to go into town after your 18th birthday. Everyone is staring at you. You finally decide to check the database.

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Huge Supporter of the ArtsWarhol also was a prolific film maker, but many of his films were too sexual in nature to be released and not many are for sale anywhere, only found if they were gifts or in private galleries. He took a big interest in the group the Velvet Underground, of which Lou Reed was part, and enjoyed painting album covers. Surprisingly, Andy Warhol was a Catholic who was often seen at Mass every day.

And to declare that only you (or other citizen) has a right to determine the validity of police suspicion is just as wrong. I don’t know that I’ve ever seen any police brutality where the police had no reason to suspect that either a crime had been or soon might be committed.

Opinion can be unpopular unless it blatantly a hateful post. Hostile, rude and aggressive behavior is not a necessity to express your opinion. Please be civil and and have respect. Bear in mind that justifying or endorsing pedophilia activities (sidenote: discussion on treatments of the mental health itself is fine), rape, race issues, assault or other similar crimes will usually count as hate speech. This does not mean you get banned for saying one crime is not as severe as another or saying you can understand why someone would commit a crime. Race baiting is a ban able offence

As with its Race Car Replica sibling, this one is a near complete kit. All you need to add is engine, transmission, and battery. Once again, it comes in at $44,000. Engine choice is once again varied, although they recommend either a Chevy LS engine or a twin turbo Lexus V8 set up. You can pick these up cheap. The all aluminum construction and standard forged internals make this a great engine if you fancy 1000bhp. FAST!

The Verdict: The Mazda Miata provides the handling capability of much more expensive sports cars in an affordable package. While it isn’t practical and won’t carry more than one passenger, this is the best performing sports car in its price range. If you need something practical, this isn’t the car for you. But if you are looking for a car that you can use as a daily driver and also take to the Autocross course and have success, you’ll want to take a serious look at a Miata!

The AMC Pacer ArrivesWhen I first went to North America aged sixteen in the summer of 1975, my parents and I were met at Toronto airport by my Dad’s cousin, the wonderfully craggy, frail, chain smoking Cliff and his trusty 1965 AMC Rambler Cross Country. When we returned the following year Cousin Cliff had suffered a series of heart attacks, had a triple bypass operation, was still smoking and had ditched the Rambler for something he referred to as his “moon buggy”; the amazing bubble on wheels that was his brand new beige AMC.

You have a shiny new car and want to program your garage door opener to it sounds easy enough. So you get out your garage door remote control and your new car’s owner’s manual for the instructions from the manufacturer to be able to program the remote control to the car.

My financial situation is not that different from yours, although I have a lot more rental property, much more savings (more than half a decade of frugal living expenses), and a slightly lower income in most years (single, no kids).Was it a financially good decision? Resoundingly no. But it was an investment in the future, not just my personal one, but also ours and a personal statement.

As I understand it the i3 had a lot larger depreciation than most other early electric cars. I don remember the research I did at the time tbh and my number was just spitballing, but early electric vehicles had a large depreciation due to the steep annual improvements in the tech, and on top of that, the BMW had even larger depreciation from other early electrics. In addition to that, the new i3s now are in a bit of a different competitive situation, since there is so much more competition in the new electric car space, so my guess is they have to be more competitive on price. So if you look at depreciation from a stand point of what can I get now new vs used for the same car, you totally right. From the perspective of what the 2015 cars are going for used vs what they cost in 2015, that a different story. Since we wanted to buy used at the time (though looking back I kinda sorta maybe wish we had just sprung for a model 3) the depreciation was attractive relative to other used options we were looking at

How much time do you average researching your topic for HubPages?I find that I spend at least 3 to 4 hours reading and researching a topic before I even start to write my hub. Maybe that’s why I average one hub a week. Do you have any hints or tips for speeding up the process?What did we learn from this on going recessionby Om Prakash Singh 10 years ago

A dozen years ago, when I was a product development manager for a large cabinet component manufacturer, we used to talk about the effect China would have on kitchen cabinets. buyers would take them seriously. Plus, logistical nightmares such as replacement parts and “out of stock” situations kept us feeling safe from the threat of imported cabinets. market was flooded with cabinets from China.

If you have another on a pedestal you are not seeing them, you are seeing only your ideal and only those aspects of them that you want to see. There are those among us who act like they belong on a pedestal. Thinking something and the actuality of something are two very different things. The person on the pedestal feels pressured to act in a certain way without fail. The person or the people who placed the other on the pedestal feel that they are failures. The minute you put another on a pedestal you are denying both yourself and the other the actual experiencing of each other. Instead you are relating through a lens of beliefs and precepts that may in fact be quite distanced from the truth.

Honorable MentionVolkswagen GTI: The ultimate hot hatchback, this sporty version of the Golf barely missed the top five. The main thing holding it back is the higher maintenance cost of German vehicles. With solid turbocharged I4 and V6 engines, the GTI is truly a fantastic combination of hatchback practicality and light your hair on fire performance.

Ive never met a girl who has such an interest in cars as you do.then I was looking up family history and found cecil. cecil created the MG sports car, died an early death in 1945. and cecil is a relative, who I now know why about so many things.(cecil died in a train accident apparently.

Once the box is down, as you can see in the pictures, there is a little plastic wall that holds the harnesses in place. The brown harness is for the post (back) 02 sensor and the black is for the primary (front) 02 sensor. Pull the black harness out of the wall and unclip it. Once it is unclipped release the wires from the clips along the bottom.