We thought about a crossover too but when you

We thought about a crossover too but when you need as much room as I do, the size of crossovers becomes deceptive and you don get the cabin passenger space of a large sedan in a CUV until you start looking at the really big ones and my wife didn want something that big. The big sedans are also a bargain right now because no one wants them there more than a few pretty nice models to choose from and you can get killer deals on 1 3 year old models with hardly any miles on them.

Also, for all points 카지노사이트 cards here, there are so many carve outs that it’s impossible to track what kind of spend earns a full point vs a tenth of a point unless it’s very specific like the cash back cards mentioned above. I paid AED 30k once for a car down payment on my SPG Emirates NBD card thinking I’d get 8k SPG points. I got less than a thousand points and promptly cancelled.

Less frequent maintenance. A Mini doesn’t need an oil change or regular maintenance done every few months like other cars. Instead, you can go two years before having the car checked out. With the standard three year warranty, you can take it to a Mini dealership for it’s first maintenance. However, I like to get my oil changed sooner somewhere else just so it can have clean oil.

I made the point that BMW cars are by and large not cheap therefore they can make EVs today since they don play in the same price points like Dacia for example which has a legitimate reason why they can mass produce compelling EVs in 2019 due to the price of batteries and other components. Sure they could make some shitty 20 kWh, takes 2 days to charge, can go over 80 kph golf carts but nobody wants those shitty things on the market since they are not mainstream machines. A well engineered electric BMW today can be mainstream and the costs to make it happen are already cheap enough. It not cheap enough to enable 70 kWh, >100 kW charging, 3s from 0 to 100 kph Dacia Sandero EV, but cheap enough for a $60000 BMW with those exact specifications.

It was common with those cars, particularly the coupe models and if your in an accident your insurance won pay out if the car is re specced. Plus, if there high mileage I strongly reccomend you get a mechanic you trust to check out the car. Even the best petrol engines will tend to calve after 120k miles, particularly in a BMW because the youngfellas who tend to be the third owner drive the arse out of them.My advice? If your going to by any car more than 10 years old buy a diesel for reliability.

Great gas mileage. Even though these cars use premium gas, it does offer decent gas mileage. I only have to fill up my tank once a month, and that is driving to and from work as well as other places around town. I can do about six to seven hours of solid freeway driving before needing a fill up.

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Using the same chassis and suspension as the MK4 Roadster, this one not only adds a roof but probably the sweetest rear on any car ever made! It was the result of some serious aero work done to beat Ferrari. Sadly the car never went anywhere, because the year after, Ford not only moved Shelby across to the GT40 program but sunk their race budget into beating Ferrari on European soil.

Everybody Loves Ya BabyThe car was an instant hit with the public selling 145,000 units in its first year. They loved the looks, the visibility, the space, the sense of the future and the quirkiness exemplified by the uneven door lengths. The passenger door was 4 inches longer than the driver’s door to allow for easy entrance and exit; perfect for the urban Mom dropping the kids off. The doors were also hinged to move out slightly from the top as they opened, to make sure junior didn’t hit his head. The people also loved the small turning circle which was due to the rack and pinion steering that utilised the extra width of the car to great effect. It was design features such as these that made for the initial success.

I hope a semi driver finds that fucker. Not only is he breaking the law, he is putting other peoples lives in danger doing it. and troubling with devastating implications. Here in St. Louis, two young sisters were killed by a head on with a policeman speeding at over 100 mph while talking on his cellphone. He got off with probation. The police are notoriously underpaid and unhappy about it, the state offices are all struggling with a huge deficit. Now, cops are pulling “speeders” going 1 mph over the limit. I read a news article that warned drivers about this very real possibility. Personally, my daughter was taken to jail on non moving violations after a cop stopped her for illegal plates and a false accusation of not having insurance, even after producing her insurance card. It took my contacting our state rep in Jeff City, who not only was able to have the $900 bail returned to me, but I got a written apology from the police department. The devastation produced by these rogue police, who chose their profession, to protect and serve, is a national disgrace.

How much time do you average researching your topic for HubPages?I find that I spend at least 3 to 4 hours reading and researching a topic before I even start to write my hub. Maybe that’s why I average one hub a week. Do you have any hints or tips for speeding up the process?What did we learn from this on going recessionby Om Prakash Singh 10 years ago

This doesn sound like a big thing but it a huge thing in the corners and probably the reason I keep buying BMWs. If it a pre 08 2 litre your going to be paying about 720 a year for tax I think. Your insurance will be dependant on your circumstances.The one thing I will say is to try to find out if the engine has been been mapped.

The law is that it illegal to refuse to submit to the sobriety tests. That does not compel you to actually submit to the search (blood test). It simply means you will be charged with an additional crime and you will likely have your license suspended. A warrant is still required to compel you to give a blood sample. If the police have actual reason to suspect you been drinking and driving is not particularly difficult to obtain a warrant to draw blood. The police don get to just skip steps because it easier. That how you get police railroading people who have not actually committed a crime.

While on this ‘camping’ trip the following happened. The old ladys grand daughter was ‘upset’ so the woman gave her car keys to my son and told him to take her grand daughter for a drive.Show DetailsNecessaryHubPages Device IDThis is used to identify particular browsers or devices when the access the service, and is used for security reasons.

/r/vive isn your promotional platform. Self promotion and any commercial presence is only tolerated where it makes the subreddit better, contributes to the discussion and is part of wider participation as an individual. Self promotion isn tolerated when it does not fit the nature of the subreddit or is seen as low effort, low quality, low transparency, high frequency or repetitive. Please refer to the wiki notes for current thinking and further guidance.

Would you drive such a showy car? If it was what I wanted and could afford, sure. Currently I drive a 07 VW New Beetle. Its my dream car. DH (dear husband) offered to let me trade it in for something “better” and I refuse. I love that thing, it works great, and my kid, carseat, gear and groceries all fit quite nicely. Not to mention its paid off. I would rather spend my money on clothes, shoes and bags then a “better” car though. Although I am sure people would find that pretentious. It’s a fundamental way that humans communicate with each other.

Don buy a 10 year old BMW/Merc/Audi/Alfa without seriously looking at the enthusiast forums. Specifically look at the faults and repairs stories.A lot of parts are available cheap enough but the electronics are still expensive and if something like an airbag light or ASC module fails, you looking at a big money replacement.

It is in the BMW DNA always to balance emotion and aesthetics in an affecting expression of surfaces and lines. This isimmediately apparent, but inside there are satisfactions only owners will discover: BMW connectivity is a given, and the BMW Concept 8 Series showcases a new concept for entertainment systems and user interface. All interior functions are in distinct, highly readable control clusters. The effect is of being in the world’s most luxurious racing car. Such ideas can have genesis in a sculpture, a painting in a gallery, a laboratory, the forms of the natural world. A myriad of inspirations, distilled, are in this new machine. It redefines the automotive zeitgeist.

For the past month or so I’ve been on a bandwagon about money, elitism, thieving corporate boards of directors, wayward politicians, and the just plain teeming arrogance from the top looking down at the rest of the population as bottom feeding, low life, underperforming, unskilled, and just plain worthless piles with their hands out, to put it very bluntly. I’ve tried to make my point this way and that way, and every way but Sunday. And really, in all I’ve only probably served to overcomplicate the matter at hand.

My children were 3 and 5 years old for their first rides. My bike had a backrest and they held on tight. I have been riding for 34 years now and I have 4 professional training programs under my belt including my instructors. Statistically a motorcycle has a 5 times greater chance of avoiding an accident than a car. 1)they stop better

4. Make sure the soft foam seal is at the top and the longer paper part of the filter is down. The foam seal should seat easily into the bottom half of the airbox. Close the top half of the box making sure the seal all the way around is seated properly and not being pinched or crimped anywhere.

7) Jay Inslee. He pretty much the typical Governor type. It refreshing hearing from someone in the executive branch instead of a Senator since they tend to be more pragmatic, jack of all trades, and experienced in getting results; tradeoff if they tend to be weaker on policy and don have focused strong issue points. That being said, he only really stood out for environmental concerns and he otherwise pretty cookie cutter. He make a fine VP pick if he didn come from a safe (D) state.

This is also false. Not many people played Heroes, so not many people are heartbroken. And I will say it yet again that the fact that they dumped money into developing a game and owning an esports league for a failed game for 4 years should earn them good will, not cost them good will when the inevitable finally happens.

Dealerships aren’t everywhere. In my case, the closest dealership is about an hour and a half away. It is certainly a pain to drive to. I am lucky that I have one that close. Other people may have to travel hours to get to a Mini dealership. If you do buy a car, then ensure that you learn about your warranty. The flatbed service they offer to pickup your Mini is only for a limited area, and even getting a rental while your car is being repaired can be limited in how far you can drive it.

With its four plants in Great Britain, BMW has now prepared itself for London departure from the EU on 29 March and has therefore brought annual maintenance forward from July to April. “This gives us scope for an orderly transition,” Wendt said. By stopping production in the weeks following the Brexit, BMW wants to reduce the risk of interruptions in the supply chain and restart as smoothly as possible afterwards.

I have the following seats available: Britax Advocate andMarathon G series (MFR dates of 2013, 1 of each), Diono Rainier, and Evenflo Sureride. Are any of these good for ERF in the X3 for YDS? If not, what is recommended? I’m open to buying a new seat for the vehicle if needed, but would prefer to avoid it if possible. The “extra” Britax seats are in MILs and my moms’ cars and I like having them there and available for the periodic use they get. I looked at the Britax ClickTights and DH (dear husband) loved them in the store, but it seems like the front to back size is roughly the same as the G series that I have, so I didn’t think it was worth the investment. Thoughts? Anything I’m missing?

Squeaky BrakesI learned after I had the car for six months, that squeaky brakes are considered normal for the TT. I had brought the car in for some normal maintenance and asked them to check my brakes. I noticed that almost every time I braked, especially in colder weather, I heard a loud squeak.

The Kurdish Peshmerga fighter decided to invest in an armored car, but he had little clue the vehicle would end up saving the lives of dozens of people.After shopping around, he settled on a bulletproof BMW, and paid $10,000 for the early 1990s model at a car auction.”My friends were very happy when I bought the armored car,” he tells CNN. “We started driving in it to the front line near Kirkuk, not worried about ISIS drive by shootings or roadside bombs.”Abdulrahman, 32, lives with his wife and four children in Taza Khurmatou, some 23 kilometers south of Kirkuk.On October 21, dozens of ISIS militants carried out a coordinated series of attacks on the oil rich city, targeting security forces and civilians in several neighborhoods; 64 died and 86 ISIS militants were killed.More than 100 civilians and security personnel were wounded; many of them were left stranded because of ISIS militants’ indiscriminate firing, while others were trapped by the terror group’s snipers shooting from rooftops.ISIS sniper fireAbdulrahman knew he had to act.”I told myself, this is the right time to help people, this is the right moment to do it. I am a fighter and I have a bulletproof car, shame on me if I can’t help,” he says.

Just five years ago, a good, roadworthy R90S could be had for about 5,000 but that was then. UK dealer Classic Super Bikes is now offering a superbly restored example for 12,500 andanother described as “a bit scruffy in places” for 9,995. Meanwhile, Australian auction house Shannons has hammered down a beautifully restored smoke grey example for A$15,500 (about 8,870).

Meanwhile BMW has that plastic aluminum everywhere and the black plastic everything. I’d bet it’s the most plastic of the 4 brands. But don’t take my word for it. The CEO is on the verge of being fired for low profits and the answer has been lower overhead and cut motorsports.

A dozen years ago, when I was a product development manager for a large cabinet component manufacturer, we used to talk about the effect China would have on kitchen cabinets. buyers would take them seriously. Plus, logistical nightmares such as replacement parts and “out of stock” situations kept us feeling safe from the threat of imported cabinets. market was flooded with cabinets from China.