Arhiv značk: seven luck

12) Tulsi Gabbard. As a Veteran x1000. She had good presentation, I give her that. But the only position I got out of her was a war hawk that doesn want war. OK, fine, Hillary ran on that platform and it was great. But she had very little other positions, and can hold a candle to Hillary diplomacy mastery so I don even know how she pull off the no war part.

You say the cars you bought cost you less than you make in a single pay cheque, so I think it pretty safe to assume a relatively cheap car like a Feista or Transit isn much of a stretch for you financially. You also say you would have loved a Merkur or 323 GTX but they difficult to find in good condition and you didn want to deal with the hassle of daily driving an old rare car, in other words you didn want to put too much of your own time or effort into it. It sounds a hell of a lot like the Fiesta was the car you settled for because it was the more sensible and practical option, and I wouldn call the car you buy because it takes less effort than the other cars you wanted your dream car.

Most pet sitting is suitable job for older children. Many people work and don’t have the time to give their pets the time and attention they want. Some pets don’t have to be watched overnight: they may simply require feeding, watering, and walking a few times per day. But when people go on vacation or extended leaves and cannot take their pets, the pets will need care. Although many pet sitting jobs require that the sitter come to the home of the pet(s), if this is not an option, pet sitting can also be done in the sitter’s home instead.

Competition success quickly followed, with now legendary drivers such as Derek Bell, James Hunt, JackyIckx and Niki Lauda all racing Alpina tuned BMWs to victory in events between 1968 and 1973. But in 1983 it becamean official manufacturer that owners couldcommission to modify their cars to Alpina specification an expensive business, since it involveddiscarding standard engines, gearboxes, suspension units and wheels in order to replace them with theenhanced components.

As for why it doesn’t fit I’m not 100% sure what the problem is. But it’s almost like the latches aren’t long enough so when you push them in they can’t reach to latch on. The angle in which the seat would sit on doesn’t seem right either. She never told me why they aren’t compatible, just that the quality control people did tests and that the latch system doesn’t work with certain BMW’s.

Would you drive such a showy car? If it was what I wanted and could afford, sure. Currently I drive a 07 VW New Beetle. Its my dream car. DH (dear husband) offered to let me trade it in for something “better” and I refuse. I love that thing, it works great, and my kid, carseat, gear and groceries all fit quite nicely. Not to mention its paid off. I would rather spend my money on clothes, shoes and bags then a “better” car though. Although I am sure people would find that pretentious. It’s a fundamental way that humans communicate with each other.

He was recovering from gall bladder surgery when he suffered a heart arrhythmia and passed away suddenly in 1987 (perhaps the fears of hospitals were a premonition)? He left money and art to his family, but donated the rest of his belongings to the advancement of the visual arts. The Andy Warhol Foundation, opened by his brothers the same year as Warhol’s passing, “is primarily focused on supporting work of a challenging and experimental nature.” This Foundation is one of the largest organizations to give grants to new artists who wish to experiment in new media in the United States.

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1. Ultima GTR720The UltimaGTR720 isn’t just fast; it’s one of the fastest cars in the world! How does 0 100 0 mph in 9.4 seconds sound? Well, that time is a couple of SECONDS faster than a Ferrari Enzo! If that’s not good enough for you, how about it being a sub 10 second 1/4 mile drag car!

Yesterday, “central locking system” button doesn’t work. Neither does the hazard button next to it. I checked all three fuses and they’re fine. WTF?! UPDATE: Not exactly sure how to explain what it is still, but apparently a little latch that is activated when you push the lock/hazard buttons is broken. My husband jerry rigged it with tape, but that’s only temporary. So now the little button casing just sits outside of its cubbyhole, and I use it that way. And why don’t the doors lock when you begin to drive anyway? Even my old Fords did that!

That is one of the reasons we decided to start showing him how to drive now. teach him slowly all the while pointing out what to do and what not to do. i watch how he is with other peoples things and i am forever telling him that how he is with them does come out in his driving technique.

The above of course has the normal disclaimer. Most certainly a professional must be consulted for diagnosis and repair. After the guy put everything back together, the guy tells me he lost one bolt. First he says don’t drive the car, then he says as long as it doesn’t over heat I’m good. How dangerous is this?What causes a car to over heat?by Moipone 7 years ago

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The problem is, Trump isn doing this to force China to improve their human rights conditions. If he was this might be viewed as smart global policy (if bad economic policy). So it a good thing for the wrong reasons that is going to hurt a lot of people without resulting in any meaningful change.

I have to admit, there are not many engines that can replace the sound and popularity of the tradition American big block v8 engine. However, there are some electric/hybrid cars such as the ones produced by the Tesla Motor Company that have cars that compete in acceleration as traditional luxury and sport cars such as Mercedes, BMW, Audi, etc.

Starting off this list is the first of two BMWs the best version of the Z4. Gone is the convertible and coupe option all Z4s from this generation have retractable hardtops. Despite the upped power from the 3.0L I6, the Z4 isn’t a purist driver’s car by any stretch of the imagination. The car has softer handling than some of its competitors, which makes it more of a weekend cruiser than a hardcore sports car. According to Car and Driver, the Z4 smoothly delivers its power and has a comfortable ride, but its steering and suspension don’t inspire confidence in the driver at the limit which means it fails to achieve the mission of a true sports car. However, if you are looking for a quick roadster for Sunday afternoon cruises, it’ll deliver great acceleration, a comfortable ride, and a sporty exhaust note.

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I researched this for 9 months and purchased the Baby Jogger City Select 2010 (all terrain) It is a side by side up to 50 lbs on each side, plenty of room for a larger toddler and the seat reclines to flat and I used my son in that at 3 weeks. I LOVE it. It fits through every doorway we’ve encountered. We have even taken in through the airport to the bahamas and it was perfect. I cannot recommend this stroller enough. Worth every penny. Perfect stroller in every way. Oh and it does fold up and fits in the trunk of a BMW 3 series (very small trunk space) Of course it is heavy as all doubles are, but I’m pretty weak and manage fine with it on my own.

Like a true addict, even when I later successfully got another job with good pay and continued saving 65% of my take home pay so I rebuilt my savings to $100k about 3 4 years later, I jumped back into leveraged ETFs and options trading to “win back my losses” and honestly to regain some of the winner’s high. I used supposedly tighter risk management peaked at $175k before the stock market table turned cold again and I then giving back all my gains yet again.

With the Defender, you should be able to fit your CA 65 and Snugride with little trouble. Use seatbelts on all the seats to give the maximum about of room on the vehicle bench. IF they don’t fit together, then you’ll need a Radian to replace the CA. But of course try those 3 seats together with seatbelt installs before you go the Radian route.

Most Ford vehicles come with a complimentary three year subscription to the Sync services which you will have to renew every year. You won’t be charged the subscription fee before your complimentary subscription has expired. However, you must renew your services account each year so that Ford may know if you will continue to use the service and that your information is current in their database.

These “touristenfahrten” days are hugely popular with petrolheads, hordes of whom converge on the place to take advantage of the opportunity to push themselves and their cars, motorcycles, vans (you name it, people will thrash it) to the absolute limit and frequently beyond for the small charge of 26 per lap.

I was informed by the dealer, that due to some changes Audi made in the brake materials, squeaking was normal. It was such a common complaint, I was even given a pre printed pamphlet all about “brake noise”. I was relieved that nothing was wrong with my brakes, but the squeaking can be very annoying.

What vehicles do MIL (mother in law) and mom drive? If one of them can accommodate a Sureride, give it to them. Surerides are like Dionos very long front to back. If LO (little one) is 50% for height and weight, it should RF (rear facing) him till about 4. Mine was in the 90%+ for height, like your oldest, and reached 40″/40 at 3.4 yo.

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The dash browsing for phone operations is inactive whenever the vehicle is in motion. This is a safety feature. To make a phone call when the vehicle is in motion, press the “voice” button located on the steering wheel. The computer will say the current Sync setting along with “please say a command”. In my case, the computer always says, “USB, please say a command.” because I always have my iPod connected through the vehicle’s USB port. After the computer asks for a command, you will say “phone”. Speak loudly and clearly enough for the computer to understand you. The computer will then say, “phone. please say a command”. You will then say, “call so and so”. Sammy,, Amy), the computer will give you a list of your phone book entries and ask to to select one using a number. “Say one for Sammy, two for, etc.” Once you tell the computer which phone number to dial, it will dial the number. You can also dial numbers not in your phone book by saying “dial” and the phone number you wish to dial.

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Meanwhile BMW has that plastic aluminum everywhere and the black plastic everything. I’d bet it’s the most plastic of the 4 brands. But don’t take my word for it. The CEO is on the verge of being fired for low profits and the answer has been lower overhead and cut motorsports.

So we have NOS, Engine and Body as the top three, Tires and Trans are almost useless, and a time gap of 0.203s between NOS and Trans. Overall, not very impressive numbers from these S6 parts but this is expected as a fully max’d LB M3 GTS has a max evo tune that is just over.6s quicker than S5 with full fusions.

The following morning is spent perfecting each driver’s seating position (a vital detail which, if incorrect, can dramatically hamper progress) and learning the various steering techniques that might need to be employed in order to tackle the Nordschleife’s many and varied technicalities. After that, it’s time to undertake your first laps. These happen behind a pace car, which enables fledglings to follow the correct lines at the correct speed and therefore remain, literally, “on track”.

Around this time it occurs to me to just ring Nuna as there might be something wrong with the seat. They tell me that the seat isn’t compatible with the 3 series, 4 series, X1 and one I can’t remember. Well I’m shocked honestly that it wouldn’t just fit any car, especially a new car!

When Jung was 38, he experienced what he called “a confrontation with the unconscious.” He began hearing voices and seeing visions. He began writing all this down in a little red book, but never left instructions as to what should be done with this book. His family finally put it in a vault, but people begged them to publish it after Jung’s death. Finally, Jung’s grandson, who handles his affairs, decided to publish it, in October of 2009. A reviewer of the New York Times said it was, “bombastic, baroque, and like so much of Carl Jung, a willful oddity, synced with an antediluvian and mystical reality.”

Low grade plastics on the dash and doors, cheap vinyl seats that don breath, hollow and chintzy window switches and steering wheel stalks, etc. All the ones I driven and ridden in have also rattled. The Model 3 would be fine for $25k car, but there is nothing remotely luxurious about it.

Its also interesting to think that the Prius battery causes more damage to the environment during its creation, than a car does in 10 years of driving. I find it hard to believe we cant do better than this? Power from the spin of the wheels? power from the air gushing over the speeding vehicle, the rain that lands on it, the sun hitting the roof. And they cant use any of that? As you said, we have all these computers. laptops that can run for 7+ hours on a small battery. But our cars. Nope!

I made the point that BMW cars are by and large not cheap therefore they can make EVs today since they don play in the same price points like Dacia for example which has a legitimate reason why they can mass produce compelling EVs in 2019 due to the price of batteries and other components. Sure they could make some shitty 20 kWh, takes 2 days to charge, can go over 80 kph golf carts but nobody wants those shitty things on the market since they are not mainstream machines. A well engineered electric BMW today can be mainstream and the costs to make it happen are already cheap enough. It not cheap enough to enable 70 kWh, >100 kW charging, 3s from 0 to 100 kph Dacia Sandero EV, but cheap enough for a $60000 BMW with those exact specifications.

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They told me that I can install it with the seatbelt method and I just wouldn’t use the base. Apparently it’s just as safe but I’m not sure how comfortable I feel with that. I’m just disappointed because we did a lot of research before deciding on this seat and now I don’t know whether to just send it back.

Plus, I’ve had a fascination with all things German for quite some time. German was my college major for a couple years, back when I thought of being a UN interpreter. I have (or had) family living in Germany, and I have backpacked through the cities there. I thought I would live there one day. I heard angels sing when I stood in the Olympic Village and gazed upon the four cylindrical pillars of BMW Headquarters in Munich.

BMW supplies the firm with engineering data atleast two years ahead of production to enable thorough development to be carried out, during which durability tests, hot and cold climate tests and performance tests result in prototype cars being driven40,000km, including 1,500km of those at top speed. Which because Alpinas are not restricted to the 155mph ofstandard BMWs can be anything up 카지노사이트 to 190mph inthe case, for example, of the recently released B4S Bi Turbo, or 205mph for the B7 Bi Turbo. And what is truly surprising is that, despite all this effort, entry into the eight model world of Alpina can be had for as little as 48,000 although atop specification B7Bi Turbowith a few bespoke extras can cost more thanthree times as much.

The marque in question is Alpina, the officially recognised tuning house that has been enhancing BMWs since the early 1960s, yet which remains largelyunder the radar. Alpina’s story is remarkable. Itsroots go back to 1962, when German engineering andbusiness student Burkard Bovensiepen took theinitiative to develop a twin carburettor unit for theBMW 1500 while seeking a reliable sporting model to indulge his passion for making cars go faster. His idea proved so successful that, by 1965, Bovensiepen was able to register Alpina Burkard Bovensiepen KG asan official business offering a portfolio of accessories to enhance the latest BMW models.

What would be your dream car?by LeonJane 8 years agoWhat would be your dream car?If money wasn’t an option what car would you pick? Would it be and Italian sports car? Would it be a classic car or big block V8? would it be an antique car? Or would you just like something modern which gave you good mileage?If money wasn’t stopping you from purchasing your dream car, what would it be anby Christy G 7 years agoWhat’s your dream car?I’ve always wanted a porche 911 twin turbo, but if I had to pick one car, assuming that money is no object it would be the bugatti veyron supercar.Show DetailsNecessaryHubPages Device IDThis is used to identify particular browsers or devices when the access the service, and is used for security reasons.

So what do you need on top of the $20,000 asking price? Not much really. Of course, you need the engine, transmission, and rear end. There are plenty of brand new or second hand options on that. You need original Ford headers, but not the rest of the exhaust. You need wheels and tyres, but there are so many options as this car uses the Mustang bolt pattern. Next is paint, which, once again, is totally up to you! Last, you need a fuel pump and battery. All in all, you could build one up for $25,000 upwards.

Have you ever seen a Parking, Tow Away Zone sign? What do you think would happen if you parked your BMW there? Do you really think the property owner would bother to call BMW roadside assistance to tow your car away? Or would he just have Cletus drag it away like it does with every other car on the planet that he tows with the car in park and brakes on? Same thought experiment applies if somebody gets there BMW repo Same thought experiment applies if the police drag away an abandoned BMW. Same thought experiment applies if a BMW gets in an accident and is disabled/locked up. IOW, towing cars in park is a solved problem, and it happens all over the country hundreds, if not thousands, of times a day.

When looking for your next cabinet for your kitchen or bath, take a look at the following and make sure it’s what you have in mind for your remodel. Just because it’s advertised as an “all plywood box with a Cherry stain” does not make it a quality cabinet any more than a Chevrolet advertised with four tires and an engine is the same car as a BMW.

I see this problem like the housing problem. People without houses want cheaper places to live. Everyone wants more housing but no one wants them to build it near them. Point is unchecked immigration would lead to a lot of issues that the people pushing for it won have to deal with so they are ok with it.

We really need to be able to have an adult able to ride in the back as we have a foreign exchange student living with us who needs to be able to come along for family outings and also have found from experience that having an adult in the back with baby to sooth, give a bottle/binky etc is essential to making longer car trips tolerable/comfortable (which we take often).

And on a roadtrip? You have to go to the bathroom, maybe buy some more water, possibly a snack. If you have young kids it more involved, there are diaper changes involved, cleaning the car of trash and disposing of it properly, and so forth. By the time that is done, you received the “you may incur idle fees” message on your phone.

We also rented an SUV for the trip, and will be spending a fair amount of time in the car, driving at least several times per day. The cheapest SUV we could get was a BMW X3 (I’m kind of excited about this!). The X5 was also an option, but I didn’t think we needed the extra space though now I’m second guessing that. Will the Sureride fit RF (rear facing) in the X3? I’m very opposed to FF him yet, even temporarily. He is still RF (rear facing) at home in an Advocate G3 in my car and a Marathon G3 in DH’s. The Sureride was purchased specifically for travel after reading other posts on this board. I didn’t want to mess with noodles for a good install with our Scenera back up seat, though I have gotten good at the noodle less install of the Scenera since then. Thoughts?

A better drive than most.I also like early 5 series BMW’s but you need to know about their design faults. You can buy a well sorted one if you know what you are doing.I have listed the design faults for each series on my BMW hubs.I had an early Benz that was very well built, but am not a fan of the Mercedes Benz drive.

In terms of accidents, you right, that what insurance is for. My insurance company charges less for a Civic than a Model 3. IIRC it a 20%+ difference with the 3 being more expensive. The risk with insurance is if you get into a small “fender bender” in the 3. If it ends up taking 6 10 weeks to fix, as many have found, your insurance company may only provide a loaner for the first 4 weeks. If you need the 3 for work, that a major problem. Renting a car for weeks is massively expensive. Of course there the argument that you less likely to die in a 3, and that death is worse, but I say all of this to say that small collision that are normally a non issue become a real risk. I haven attempted to quantify the risk.

We’re actually in Southern Ontario but in the snowbelt a couple of weeks ago all of the roads in our county were closed for a couple of days. We’re new here so it’s been quite a learning experience. DH (dear husband) says nearly everyone he works with owns an SUV/truck. At least they do get paid when there are snow days.

Since you know you have $15k of negative equity already, lawyering up and throwing good money after bad by futilely disputing your signed and likely ironclad BMW Financial lease contract or worse considering rolling your massive negative equity into a new $60 80k rapidly depreciating luxury car (530e) lease will just make your financial problems worse.

Modern engines have knock sensors and run right at the edge of detonation all the time by design to extract maximum energy out of every drop of fuel. Running premium isn really giving you more margin for error in terms of pinging on a modern engine, the engine just bumps the timing up as much as the gas will tolerate anyway.

Competition success quickly followed, with now legendary drivers such as Derek Bell, James Hunt, JackyIckx and Niki Lauda all racing Alpina tuned BMWs to victory in events between 1968 and 1973. But in 1983 it becamean official manufacturer that owners couldcommission to modify their cars to Alpina specification an expensive business, since it involveddiscarding standard engines, gearboxes, suspension units and wheels in order to replace them with theenhanced components.

By now, though, those who are unfamiliar with Alpina might be pondering the difference between itsspecially tuned products and those of BMW’s in house, high performance M division, which also builds go faster versions of the marque’s cars. Well, thedifference is akin to chalk and cheese not least because an Alpina isn’t simply about going fast, but about an entire package of enhancements that takes thebest features of a standard BMW and makes themwork in perfect harmony.

If this kind of expense is what you really want and it and doesn impact your retirement goals, then treat yourself.There always an in between option, too. Last year I bought a new Tesla. Quite a bit more expensive that the M3, but I would not have wanted a gas car in 2018 for that level of money.

It could be a BMW thing. I have heard BMWs are some of the hardest to get a good install in. Was he installing it in a side seat and not the center? No car seat is safe to be installed in the center of a BMW (sedans I know for sure). The European sport style seats are not compatible with a center installation. For us, the seat just moved more than he would like, so we are getting help. When meeting with a CPS technician, they ask that you have installed it to the best of your ability ahead of time and they will check your install and help you learn about a proper install and your seat. Our appointment is an hour long and it covers our seat installs and complete car seat safety.

“stomping on a mans head with his boots as hard as he could” (bolding added). In addition, you have now indicated that there was more than one stomp; seems to me that multiple “full force” stomps will almost certainly break a neck. Not necessarily so with and easy kick or even a hard one, but “full force” multiple kicks? Do you retract the bolded part or do you offer your tests taken to substantiate the claim as true?

This will help you getting a better feel for the car balance, know where the limit of the grip is and you might even find a better/faster line down the track.Secondly, the most of the z4 weight is in the back, so that why it so happy to throw that beautiful fat ass around like it some Shaquina from the hood.

But there was still more to this Cup of extremes. When the teams’ two boats appeared on the water the sailing public drew breath. Two of the biggest, most advanced multihulls that the sailing world had ever seen suddenly changed the mood among Cup followers. At last, the conversation switched from the frustration of complex court hearings, to that of the prospect of a spectacular battle of two behemoths on the water.

Oxygen (O2) Sensor DIY for VW 2.0 L EnginesHere is a way to take the cheap Bosch oxygen sensor 15718, made for Ford cars, and use it in your 2.0 Volkswagen engine. This is an old trick on the MKIII engine but has not been tried on MK4 Jetta, Golf, and GTI models. These sensors have been proven to work on BMW, VW, Saab, and a list of other cars: why not save money and use them on yours?

2 is even harder, because cheaters never admit they cheated. You not going to be able to interview them, because they either going to clam up and say “no comment,” or they keep insisting they didn cheat. Maybe that why there has been so little written on it. I did read an interview with Eddy Hellebuyck where, years after the fact, he admitted that he been doping. But that was kind of different in that he was a world class runner making a living off of running, and was doping instead of course cutting.

If some snooty eff wads want to be pricks, let them. You know how hard it is, you know there are more people needing help than anyone could comprehend. We have to be strong, if not for ourselves and our families, than for those who have no one to be strong for them.

It’s easy and cheap to order new air filters online and I order mine from Amazon. They provide a nice fitment tool so that you can enter the year and model of your car to make sure you get the filter that fits your car. Note that there is a difference between the filter for 2004 2006 and 2007 2010 models.

So my question is, how hard is it to replace a NOx sensor or worst case scenario a transfercase on a F30 328D? Will doing the alphabet delete make the car more in the long run?Just note that a lot of the items people are staying need replacing early in ownership aren unique to diesels. The transfer case, for one, is a weak point on all F30s. I wouldn get an AWD 3 series because of it and they did sell plenty of RWD 328d F30s.